Since the BOE nationalized after the British Sterling was no longer the world reserve currency I guess it will take the US dollar being replaced by another world reserve currency before the FRS will be nationalized.
The shareholders of the FRS must be raking in a lot of profit from the world reserve currency to let go of those shares. A world reserve currency always seems to be controlled by privately owned shareholders. Americans are brainwashed into thinking government owned is a bad thing. Nobody told them most European central banks nationalized long ago and few people are complaining in those European countries.
If the Rockefellers do not own most of the shares of the FRS who does? King Charles? Why is it a secret? If the Rockefellers own 60% of the shares and King Charles owns 20% why don't they just say so?
CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.
He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.
Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.
@shallow-blue said
Who (personally) owns the Russian Central Bank?
Anyone? Anyone? Tovaritch metal!?
@metal-brain saidThe reason it’s privately owned is because a few people make loads of money out of it and the decisions that it makes.
There is no reason for the FRS to be privately owned. Nationalize it.
@shavixmir saidGee, ya think?
The reason it’s privately owned is because a few people make loads of money out of it and the decisions that it makes.
@metal-brain saidYou stated that there was no reason. I gave you one.
Gee, ya think?
So suck my anus.
@shavixmir saidHey Captain obvious, what have I been saying all along?
You stated that there was no reason. I gave you one.
So suck my anus.