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Natives Aren't Happy

Natives Aren't Happy


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My, oh my! I can see this being a very interesting year!

This is a long article, however you will find it well worth the read. I DO love it so, when the common man speaks up.

Seems there are still Americans who retain that independent streak of a day gone by, with no intention of “going quietly”.

Hells bells! They’re even reviving “tea parties” which are appearing coast to coast. 🙂


Man critical of Obama case judge visited by U.S. Marshals
'I told your Gestapo goons we had nothing to talk about'

A Washington, D.C., man who believes Barack Obama probably isn't eligible to be president – and colourfully stated as much to federal judge James Robertson who had dismissed a case, by retired Air Force Colonel Hollister, challenging Obama's residency in the White House – says he got a visit from U.S. marshals for his exercise of free speech.

Jesse Merrell told WND he was reacting to Judge James Robertson's decision to throw out Hollister's case challenging Obama's eligibility because the issue had been thoroughly "twittered."

Merrell sarcastically gave the judge a "good-for-you." "How dare people use a flimsy thing like the Constitution to darken your sanctimonious door!" he wrote to the judge. "The insane idea that a b*****n slashing our Constitution has to prove U.S. citizenship – as our silly old Constitution demands – is too absurd to consider in the sacred chambers of the tiny tin gods of the Potomac, adorning the royal purple and sipping Jim Jones Kool-Aid.

"Thanks to smug, slimy shysters like you, Obama gets a free ride – snootily stomping on our foolish Constitution, which supercilious idiots like you have long ago shredded for their own stupid opinions!" Merrell continued in the letter, a copy of which he provided to WND.

He finished with his speculation on what "ought" to happen to the judge, a physical act not appropriate for a family-oriented report. A short time later, he said he found two U.S. marshals on his doorstep.

Merrell told WND. "After reading your story about Federal Judge James Robertson dismissing a suit challenging Obama's natural born citizenship, and suggesting sanctions, I wrote him a very critical letter," "Two U.S. marshals came to visit me, making threats to silence me.”

"I told them unless the First Amendment had been repealed, or they had a warrant for my arrest, we had nothing to discuss," he continued. "But they insisted on coming in, and making further threats.”

"I responded with another letter to Judge Robertson, with firm language, but nothing I haven't used for 30 years, and quoting Thomas Jefferson's warning to bind judges with the 'chains of the Constitution' to prevent mischief."

WND called the U.S. marshals service for comment, but there was no comment on the specific case. A WND message left for one of the officers involved also was not returned.

“Merrell told WND his particular dislike of "government tyranny" has existed "since my fourth-great-grandfather, Captain Benjamin Merrell, was hanged – hanged, drawn and quartered – by the British Royal Governor of North Carolina in 1771 for protesting high and unjust taxes."

In his follow-up letter to the judge, Merrell's language was a little saltier.

"I told your Gestapo goons that unless the First Amendment had been repealed, or they were there to arrest me, that we had nothing to talk about." Merrell's letter said ."One of your Brown-Shirt Nazi bullies, however, could not resist threatening me with some obscure law – one he didn't know where it was, or when it was created – which he said made it a crime to say something that caused a federal Judge 'emotional distress.'

"Emotional distress? What unbelievably unadulterated horse s---!" Merrell wrote. "What about the repulsive, stomach-turning 'emotional distress' you black-robed baboons speciously dish out to the American people daily – haughtily spitting on our precious Constitution with your nauseating, decency-stomping, judicial-jack a-- slobber!

"If it is illegal for a Constitution-loving citizen to chastise a Constitution-scorning judge, who has spitefully spat on America's consecrated moral bedrock, then the slimy, steel-laden tentacles of unspeakable tyranny are already wrapped tightly around helpless citizens – awaiting the final hideous strangulation.

"But not as long as one end of my red-blooded tongue is loose!" Merrell's letter said.

He put the challenge directly to the judge:
"The Constitution clearly states, with no possible ambiguity – in Article 2, Section 1 – that 'No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President,'" he wrote.

"America is going down the drain – economically and Constitutionally, with terrorists and illegal aliens pouring across our borders like invading armies practically unopposed – but our insufferable, over-bloated, dictatorial government, while turning a blind eye to all that, has time and money to send two high-paid federal marshals – probably $130,000.00 each – to harass a citizen daring to exercise his precious First Amendment rights, which you want to destroy," he wrote.

"When you solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution – then loathsomely lacerate and despicably desecrate that hallowed document – perhaps you should fear for your safety, for you have stopped being a dutiful servant of the people, and started arrogating unto yourself the venomous trappings of their tyrannical slave-master," he wrote.

"Oh, and my ancestor, Captain Benjamin Merrell, wasn't just hanged – but hanged, drawn and quartered: which means he was hanged, but taken down while yet alive, his abdomen violently sliced open and his entrails cruelly cut out, brutally thrown in his face and set afire...and then his body barbarically slashed into four quarters," Merrell wrote. "So, naturally, I'm more than a little suspicious of dictatorial power such as you brandish. And I'm not alone."

WND reported a challenge to judge James Robertson from the lawyer handling the case. Judge Robertson threatened attorney John D. Hemenway with sanctions for representing client Gregory S. Hollister. Hollister is a retired military officer, subject to being recalled, who is demanding to know Obama's eligibility to discern whether any orders from the president would be legal.

Robertson dismissed the case, ridiculing questions of eligibility as having already been "blogged, texted, twittered and otherwise massaged."

Judge Robertson wrote: "The plaintiff says that he is a retired Air Force colonel who continues to owe fealty to his Commander-in-Chief (because he might possibly be recalled to duty) and who is tortured by uncertainty as to whether he would have to obey orders from Barack Obama because it has not been proven – to the colonel's satisfaction – that Mr. Obama is a native-born American citizen, qualified under the Constitution to be president.

"The issue of the president's citizenship was raised, vetted, blogged, texted, twittered, and otherwise massaged by America's vigilant citizenry during Mr. Obama's two-year-campaign for the presidency, but this plaintiff wants it resolved by a court," Judge Robertson wrote in his court opinion.

Hemenway has responded, "These are not frivolous matters, as the learned Judge Robertson has suggested."

"Possible illegal orders are a matter of great concern to officers in the armed forces. … The legality of orders in and out of combat is of paramount importance," he wrote.

"It is not helpful for a United States district judge to endorse obfuscation when a constitutional issue is involved." He also criticized the judge for citing hearsay in his court opinion.

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Yes siree, http://www.worldnetdaily.com, read all about it! Read all about it!

Kenyan President of USA channels AIG money to Hamas!

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Judge ripped for using blog eligibility hearsay

Posted: March 19, 2009
12:40 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh


"Hemenway continued with a "second point" Robertson raised.

That is, he said, that "the president of the United States had been properly vetted."

"This assumes facts not in evidence and was not addressed. It is clear that the constitutional qualifications of President Soetoro/Obama have not been properly vetted. Judge Robertson even cites an earlier case filed in Pennsylvania by one of the two lead attorneys in this case, in which the judge claimed candidates in the recent presidential election had never been more closely vetted. Nothing was further from the truth. Effectively, the Pennsylvania District Court judge was introducing his own hearsay and opinion into the case as if it were acceptable evidence," Hemenway wrote.

"It is sad to read this court's use of material from the Internet to imply that the issues in the numerous lawsuits filed have been resolved by the 'twittering and blogging' to determine that the litigants are invoking 'conspiracy theorists.' It suggests that the intellectual capacity of this court focused on the issues in the instant suit at a very low level, perhaps for political purposes, such as to win attention from the highest authority when a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States becomes vacant," Hemenway wrote.

Further, Hemenway wrote, Robertson is threatening him with sanctions for "the costs allegedly borne by the defendants when all that would be necessary to terminate this political chicanery (substitute 'crisis'😉 that now has involved hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens would be for President Obama to display his actual birth certificate."

Instead, ranks of attorneys have been hired to block "access to his records by sealing his college records, refusing access to his 'vault' birth certificate; and all other documents which would provide his citizenship status."

Hemenway said, "Defendant Soetoro/Obama has never responded. Instead, a document [purporting] to be Soetoro/Obama's birth certificate was placed on the Internet in sites including, but not limited to: factcheck.org, dailykos.com and fightthesmears.com.

"This image so presented was later challenged by a forensic expert as a forged and/or altered document. … It is a widely recognized legal principle that, when a false or modified or counterfeit document is presented as the original, under discovery, the actual document must be presented," he said.

"Moreover, this document is a Certification of Live Birth which is issued by the Hawaiian State Government when births abroad or births occurring outside of a hospital are registered with the Hawaii Department of Health. A proper birth certificate provides information as to where the child was born, weight, length, parent’s information, doctor information, etc. The Certification of Live Birth provided by Soetoro/Obama only shows he was born – somewhere," he said.

In a commentary at FamilySecurityMatters.org, Margaret Calhoun Hemenway, a former White House appointee serving in the Department of Defense and at NASA, said that Obama "regularly referred to himself as 'a constitutional law professor.'"

"Mr. Obama's professed respect for the Constitution doesn't seem to include its clear-cut qualifications for president in Article 2, Section 1, which directly impacts upon whether he is entitled to hold the current political position to which the voters entrusted him," she wrote.

"Sadly, the American people depend upon a vetting process for national candidates which evidently is, truly and astonishingly, non-existent. Instead of actual verification of genuine documents to determine citizenship by some impartial board or committee, the vetting process appears to have become subjugated in the case of Mr. Obama to competing campaigns or partisan websites, a flawed Internet phenomenon which Judge Robertson referenced as Twittering and blogging, and online postings of suspect copies of documents, which should never have been a substitute for the judge's constitutional duty to examine evidence and rule on facts, bolstered by legal and forensic experts, not opinions from the blogosphere."

John Hemenway also said the judge's description of Berg and an associate as "agents provocateurs" was "prejudicial."

The legitimate questions about Obama's birth certificate are just too many to ignore, he continued.

"It should also be noted, Soetoro/Obama’s sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng was born in Indonesia and today is classifiable as a 'naturalized citizen.' However, her birth was registered in Hawaii and she, too, maintains a Certification of Live Birth," he wrote.


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Originally posted by zeeblebot
The Certification of Live Birth provided by Soetoro/Obama only shows he was born – somewhere,"
I for one, would like proof that The Candyman wasn't spawned by satan.

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“Obama lets terrorists free, now complains as if the decision wasn’t his.”


“In broadcast interview,” “Obama says that some of the people released from the facility in Cuba have rejoined terrorist groups.”
“On CBS 60 Minutes,” “Obama disputes Dick Cheney's claim that plans to close Guantanamo will make America less safe.”

May he have it both ways?

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'Fusion Centers' Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members’
By Joshua Rhett Miller - Monday, March 23, 2009

"After 9/11, 58 Fusion centers nationwide were created by the Department of Homeland Security to collect local intelligence that authorities can use to combat terrorism. But some say the fusion centers are now going too far in whom they identify as potential threats.”

“Appears to be an attempt to monitor some political groups under the guise of anti-terror actions in order to stifle alternative political thought.”

“People who supported former third-party presidential candidates like Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr are cited in the report, in addition to anti-abortion activists and those who believe the United States, Mexico and Canada will someday form a North American Union.”

“In that case, you very well might be labeled a member of a domestic paramilitary group.”

(Obama takes another step! Anxiety builds…. First Mandatory “Volunteers” – now this. What next? I can’t wait for the next installment) 😀

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"We are not making this up:
Barack Obama was elected commander in chief promising to run the most transparent presidential administration in American history."

From the president's official schedule:

"Later in the afternoon, the President and the First Lady will attend a reception with the National Newspaper Publisher Association in the State Dining Room, where they will be presented the Newsmaker of the Year award. This event is closed press."

(so much for a free and unfetered American press under Obama's rule!)

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I'm native...! I'm happy...!

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Originally posted by MacSwain


"We are not making this up:
Barack Obama was elected commander in chief promising to run the most transparent presidential administration in American history."

From the president's official schedule:

"La ...[text shortened]... sed press."

(so much for a free and unfetered American press under Obama's rule!)[/b]
You're right, they should be able to televise Obama and his wife having sex.

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
You're right, they should be able to televise Obama and his wife having sex.
Originally posted by KazetNagorra
You're right, they should be able to televise Obama and his wife having sex.

IF what YOU say is fact...then don't omit they will be doing it on the State Dining Room table with all the members of National Newspaper Publisher Association.

Damn - that should be televised! 😲 Some train.

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Originally posted by MacSwain
“Obama lets terrorists free, now complains as if the decision wasn’t his.”


“In broadcast interview,” “Obama says that some of the people released from the facility in Cuba have rejoined terrorist groups.”
“On CBS 60 Minutes,” “Obama disputes Dick Cheney's claim that plans to close Guantanamo will make America less safe.”

May he have it both ways?
he can if the MSM has got rings thru their noses with his hand on the leashes.

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Originally posted by MacSwain
My, oh my! I can see this being a [b]very interesting year!

This is a long article, however you will find it well worth the read. I DO love it so, when the common man speaks up.

Seems there are still Americans who retain that independent streak of a day gone by, with no intention of “going quietly”.

Hells bells! They’re even reviving “tea p ...[text shortened]... urt opinion.[/b]
This particular common man is clearly an idiot. I couldn't get past the beginning. Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. Obama was born in Hawaii after it became a state. End of story.

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