How can a purported Christian lie like that? He is just parroting what his puppet master wants him to say. So we are pushing to 120,000 dead and this is a 'GREAT VICTORY?
Do they think we are that stupid?
Here is one problem, in Alabama, doctors are asked as they leave the hospital where the dead are being hauled out hourly,
people come up to them and say, "Is Covid 19 a HOAX?' which shows the effect the lying Trump/Pence team is having on the American public.
This is unconscionable and refuting those lies should be in every newspaper and TV news in America.
No the C19 pandemic is not a hoax and EVERYONE should wear masks and separate at least 6 feet.
It is really sad that millions of Americans listen to the lies coming from the top.
It is one thing to lie about payments to porn stars, it is completely another to be lying about a pandemic as if it's all through and everyone go out and have fun at the beach and oh BTW, we are coming for a Rally, so all you faithful republicans come fill up that 20,000 seat arena and yell and shout approval of your god king and queen Trump and Pence.
Hey, at least that will get rid of a bunch of Republicans so GO FOR IT.
@sonhouse saidAnd before you go to Trump's rally, don't forget to sign the waiver.
How can a purported Christian lie like that? He is just parroting what his puppet master wants him to say. So we are pushing to 120,000 dead and this is a 'GREAT VICTORY?
Do they think we are that stupid?
Here is one problem, in Alabama, doctors are asked as they leave the hospital where the dead are being hauled out hourly,
people come up to them and say, "Is Covid ...[text shortened]... and queen Trump and Pence.
Hey, at least that will get rid of a bunch of Republicans so GO FOR IT.
This little gem hasn't made the waves as much as it should have.
But it boggles the mind !!
An election campaign team that downplays the pandemic with one hand while shielding themselves from the subsequent civil consequences with the other hand.
I have to say.....that takes some gall !! 😲
@sonhouse said===in Alabama, doctors are asked as they leave the hospital where the dead are being hauled out hourly===
How can a purported Christian lie like that? He is just parroting what his puppet master wants him to say. So we are pushing to 120,000 dead and this is a 'GREAT VICTORY?
Do they think we are that stupid?
Here is one problem, in Alabama, doctors are asked as they leave the hospital where the dead are being hauled out hourly,
people come up to them and say, "Is Covid ...[text shortened]... and queen Trump and Pence.
Hey, at least that will get rid of a bunch of Republicans so GO FOR IT.
Alabama is averaging less than 10 COVID deaths a day statewide, half of which are in long term care facilities.
Which hospital is hauling out dead people "hourly" and where are they getting the bodies?
Really ? REALLY? I mentioned something about the mass protests not wearing masks? How do you go from what I said to THAT? BTW, there was a world famous scientist who said we have to do what we have to do in spite of the danger, but a protest march is pretty mild compared to a mass rally where everyone is shouting, chanting, spitting spittle everywhere inside a closed auditorium.
Sure, JUST THE SAME as protesters marching?
You need to crawl back into whatever hole you slithered out of and stay there.