Libtards?....gee, did you think that up yourself?
AW, for God's sake, don't be a crybaby.
The only way nothing will change is if republicans hang on to the senate race in Georgia. Things can happen if that treasonous Moscow Mitch loses his hold on the senate AND YOU KNOW THAT FULL WELL.
M M has thrown in the trash LITERALLY hundreds of bills coming out of the house BECAUSE it was started by dems.
The ONLY way forward is to put M M in a back room and consign this bastid to the dust bin of history.
I predict if dems win the senate there WILL be higher taxes, you can COUNT on that, so we can have a CHANCE to beat down the now 24 TRILLION dollar national debt cause for the most part by the BRIBE tax cut of over a trillion bucks going to the top rich and SCREW the average earner and BTW the big companies who got that BRIBE just used the hundreds of billions to do stock buy backs, not a THING to actually say, build new plants, hire more workers and the like that Trump touted when he launched his national BRIBE.
You are a young strapping 41 year old. You can go to Northern California or Oregon and pick crops now rotting on the fields because Trump kicked out the legitimate Mexican workers who do that job. So go apply there, you will find work there for sure.
Stop whining and grow up and smell the now non-Trump world of reality.