Matthew 25:35-39
35. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. 36 and then you got arrested because it was against the law to feed me, 37 for being homeless in a public park makes people uncomfortable, 38 shows the incompetence of people in power and 39 lowers property values.
"Thornton, who has experienced homelessness and food insecurity in her life, has gone to Bullhead City Community Park for more than four years to bring home-cooked, hot meals to the area's unhoused population gathered there.
In March, Thornton was stopped by police and arrested, charged with violating a local ordinance that makes it illegal to share prepared food in a public park "for charitable purposes" without a permit."
Watch the videos in the articles.
What I am curious is how many of the ones who instituted this ordinance ran on being outstanding Christians. It's hilarious to me that the party that claims to be the most christian are the least like Christ. While the party they accuse to be made up of godless atheists is the one at least trying to do something