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North America Union?

North America Union?


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This is a paranoid joke, right?


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A Canadian-American economic union might make sense, but Mexico? It'd be like getting a blood transfusion from an aids patient. Actually, Canada would probably feel the same way about the US.

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This is nothing new, without even looking at that YT link I can guess it is the same one I saw last year and it does seem compelling, for the full story try searching zeitgeist 😉

Lets face it, the bankers do not care about the little people, just look at the mess they have landed America in with these credit mortgages.

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Originally posted by Sparhawke
This is nothing new, without even looking at that YT link I can guess it is the same one I saw last year and it does seem compelling, for the full story try searching zeitgeist 😉

Lets face it, the bankers do not care about the little people, just look at the mess they have landed America in with these credit mortgages.
It's all the bankers' fault is it? What about the people who borrowed money and then didn't pay it back?

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Originally posted by Sparhawke
This is nothing new, without even looking at that YT link I can guess it is the same one I saw last year and it does seem compelling, for the full story try searching zeitgeist 😉

Lets face it, the bankers do not care about the little people, just look at the mess they have landed America in with these credit mortgages.
Well, YOU know what Bankers spelled backwards is.


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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
It's all the bankers' fault is it? What about the people who borrowed money and then didn't pay it back?
Of course it's the bankers fault. You don't expect people to actually know what they are signing, do you? You don't expect people to make sure they can make the payments even if there is a catastrophe, do you? It's not like people should be accountable for their actions. What kind of fairytale world are you living in.

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Originally posted by smw6869
Well, YOU know what Bankers spelled backwards is.


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Originally posted by dryhump
Of course it's the bankers fault. You don't expect people to actually know what they are signing, do you? You don't expect people to make sure they can make the payments even if there is a catastrophe, do you? It's not like people should be accountable for their actions. What kind of fairytale world are you living in.
Personal Reponsibility, what a archaic concept..... we should just believe in Change and hope :-)

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
Personal Reponsibility, what a archaic concept..... we should just believe in Change and hope :-)
You are right that a lot of people do need to be more responsible with what they get into.

On the other hand, it's not like banks are just innocents. There are a number of brokers and banks that are losing billions because THEY chose to approve loans to people they had every reason to believe (and more than enough information to find out) were not appropriate risks for the bank to take.

It's irresponsible for the banks (to their shareholders, to all the people within the market, etc..) to simply hand out loans as if they were candy.

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Originally posted by PsychoPawn
You are right that a lot of people do need to be more responsible with what they get into.

On the other hand, it's not like banks are just innocents. There are a number of brokers and banks that are losing billions because THEY chose to approve loans to people they had every reason to believe (and more than enough information to find out) were not appr ...[text shortened]... s, to all the people within the market, etc..) to simply hand out loans as if they were candy.
The banks have to take the blame for the effect on the national and world economy that this has had. The people who entered into these loans, however, are solely responsible for the fact that they couldn't pay them back. I heard on the NPR that the government is now trying to get the banks to restructure the loans to avoid foreclosures. How are people ever going to learn if someone steps in and cleans up the mess for them. If your teenager gets taken to jail for drunk driving, do you go the bail, or let him sit in jail all night?

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Originally posted by dryhump
The banks have to take the blame for the effect on the national and world economy that this has had. The people who entered into these loans, however, are solely responsible for the fact that they couldn't pay them back. I heard on the NPR that the government is now trying to get the banks to restructure the loans to avoid foreclosures. How are people eve ...[text shortened]... ger gets taken to jail for drunk driving, do you go the bail, or let him sit in jail all night?
If someone deceives you into accepting a loan you can't handle, is it your fault you were deceived or does the person deceiving you at least share some of the blame?

Don't be naive enough to think that mortgage brokers who both work for and don't work for the banks lending the money, were being completely up front with all the conditions and points where the APR would balloon etc.

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Just like how the EU was made possible by an incremental approach to integration, so is a 'North American Union' type structure in North America.

There have first been a number of trade agreements in North America, just like in Europe. Now they are harmonizing all of the regulations and policy at a beurocratic level, bypassing the legislative branches of the 3 countries, through the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
I remembered that off the top of my head, its real.

The Council of Foreign Relations has the Project For A New American Century (google it), which blatantly lays out their plans for deep integration between all countries, with an American style system.

You see, its Americas way, or the Highway.


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Originally posted by PsychoPawn
If someone deceives you into accepting a loan you can't handle, is it your fault you were deceived or does the person deceiving you at least share some of the blame?

Don't be naive enough to think that mortgage brokers who both work for and don't work for the banks lending the money, were being completely up front with all the conditions and points where the APR would balloon etc.
I am not naive enough to assume it. Neither should the people accepting the loan have accepted it if they didn't understand all the implications. Imagine if you were standing on a street corner and some strange dude asked you to get in his van that has no windows. If you got in the van you would be responsible for whatever happens to you. It is true that you can't control someone else. You can't make that mortgage broker behave in an honorable way. But you can make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. The mortgage broker is completely to blame, before the papers are signed. After that, the only place to look for blame is in the mirror.

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Originally posted by ChessJester
Just like how the EU was made possible by an incremental approach to integration, so is a 'North American Union' type structure in North America.

There have first been a number of trade agreements in North America, just like in Europe. Now they are harmonizing all of the regulations and policy at a beurocratic level, bypassing the legislative branche ...[text shortened]... le system.

You see, its Americas way, or the Highway.

Thanks for getting us back on topic. It is inevitable that this is going to happen. I don't think it will be all the USA's way though. I doubt Canadiens would give up their socialized health care. I hate the idea personally. I don't think the US should be so quick to give up her sovereignty.

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Also, the Federal Reserve is incredibly corrupt. They stopped releasing figures on how much money they are printing for gods sake! And the US government is well known for distorting and ommiting facts and truths in order to further their foreign and domenstic agendas.
Look up the documentary, America - Freedom to Fascism, which explains the Federal Reserve, in-depth, even with interviews with IRS agents and high-level officers.
Do some research, outside of the mainstream (corporate) media, try looking for books such as "The end of America" and "Goodbye Canada"
Also, search up, NAFTA + Mexico on youtube.

Also, why would they want to include Mexico in a North American Union????

"Today it employs 70,000 Mexicans, who every day receive up to 70 million U.S.-made components to assemble into parts. The wages are not princely by U.S. standards -- an assembly line worker with two years' experience earns about $1.90 an hour"

Now, why would they want to flood the US and Canada with cheap foreign labor? I mean, they are only the CEOs of the 30 largest corporations in North America who are pushing the Security and Prosperity Partnership under the dubious title, North American Competitiveness Council!

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