This just irritates me to know end. Nuts in stuffing?????๐ What is wrong with people. It doesn’t just stop there, but raisins too?????
If some one could give me any reason at all that crunchy things should be put in a soft food. ACH! I would appreciate it.
Soft food with soft food. Crunch food with crunchy food.
Originally posted by rapalla7Are you opposed to nuts in ice-cream?
This just irritates me to know end. Nuts in stuffing?????๐ What is wrong with people. It doesn’t just stop there, but raisins too?????
If some one could give me any reason at all that crunchy things should be put in a soft food. ACH! I would appreciate it.
Soft food with soft food. Crunch food with crunchy food.
Originally posted by rapalla7Don't cook in the nude and you'll not get your nuts in your food.....
This just irritates me to know end. Nuts in stuffing?????๐ What is wrong with people. It doesn’t just stop there, but raisins too?????
If some one could give me any reason at all that crunchy things should be put in a soft food. ACH! I would appreciate it.
Soft food with soft food. Crunch food with crunchy food.
Originally posted by rapalla7Nuts in stuffing is perhaps to food as gasoline is to automobile.
This just irritates me to know end. Nuts in stuffing?????๐ What is wrong with people. It doesn’t just stop there, but raisins too?????
If some one could give me any reason at all that crunchy things should be put in a soft food. ACH! I would appreciate it.
Soft food with soft food. Crunch food with crunchy food.
You can't consider a fine turkey meal without nut stuffing! It just isn't done. well, except in Texas where that damned corn bread mushy stuff dominates.
Long live almonds and wallnuts!
But then, I have always been for the nuts of the world. Built in prejudice? Maybe.