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Ohio politician tells of all his sexual conquests

Ohio politician tells of all his sexual conquests


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Apparently a judge from Ohio who was running for governor had flippantly confessed to all of his sexual exploits, which according to him was around 50 very pretty women. He did this to poke fun at the witch hunts revolving around other politicians such as Moore and Franken.

So guess what happened to him? You guessed it, they are now tarring and feathering him as well, even Dims.

I think if he had only gone after Moore and only defended Franken, which can be found on page 5373 in the liberal talking points manual, he would have been fine, but he mistakenly said that Moore should have a right to a trial before being cast to the dogs.

Obviously, he does not have what it takes to be a Dim, or even a Republican for that matter.


Originally posted by @whodey

Apparently a judge from Ohio who was running for governor had flippantly confessed to all of his sexual exploits, which according to him was around 50 very pretty women. He did this to poke fun at the witch hunts revolving around other politicians such as Moore and Franken.

S ...[text shortened]...

Obviously, he does not have what it takes to be a Dim, or even a Republican for that matter.
O’Neill said he revealed his sexual past to protest what he sees as a new standard, “driven by the media, that if you’re not absolutely pure you’re not eligible to run for office in America,” he told the local Fox News station.

That's completely false.

No one complains about Trump being married three times, his infidelity or his boasting about being with beautiful women. It's not the consensual encounters, but the rape accusations, the many women who've come forward about his sexual harassment, the "pussy" tape where he brags about being able to to do anything he wants to women, whether he gets permission or not...that stuff.

No one's looking for "sexual purity". People just have a problem with sexual predators running their government.


Originally posted by @vivify
O’Neill said he revealed his sexual past to protest what he sees as a new standard, “driven by the media, that if you’re not absolutely pure you’re not eligible to run for office in America,” he told the local Fox News station.

That's completely false.

No one complains about Trump being married three times, his infidelity or his boast ...[text shortened]... for "sexual purity". People just have a problem with sexual predators running their government.
Well he is a Dim, so falsehoods are his second name.

I think what he is scared to death about is, a society that begins to become prudish about sex once again. What, do we want to return to a society where men are men and women are women and heterosexual marriage is favored over that of gay marriage?

What we need to do is move on and pursue such things as polygamy being legal for marriage and bestiality. Only then can left wingers begin to lower the age of consent until pedophilia is legal some day as well.

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Originally posted by @whodey
Well he is a Dim, so falsehoods are his second name.

I think what he is scared to death about is, a society that begins to become prudish about sex once again. What, do we want to return to a society where men are men and women are women and heterosexual marriage is favored over that of gay marriage?

What we need to do is move on and pursue such thing ...[text shortened]... n can left wingers begin to lower the age of consent until pedophilia is legal some day as well.
Apparently, like Trump, you still don't get that running your own mouth on the internet always makes you look far worse than you think it does.

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