PROTEST! OPPRESION OF MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF FREEDOM OF RELIOGION! there was nothing offensive! only FACTS of my religious beliefs in respons to coments made.. in a calm manner non threatening... and no cursing... what a load of crap!
they are editing it as we speek! what a crock!
i'm so gunna get ban for no reason.. cmon where is it i'm waiting for more oppresion!
I agree that there should be a publicised list of moderators, their countries and maybe a brief comment from them on their political, religous and social views.
I've also previously asked that RHP have an "About Us" page that summarises where the managers are based, where the site is based, who subscriptions go to and their associates.
This fell on deaf ears.
Originally posted by STANGI had never thought about it until today. I really don't think it is important. Unless a cabal takes over. As happened with the "PETA" guys. That was kind of frightening.
I agree that there should be a publicised list of moderators, their countries and maybe a brief comment from them on their political, religous and social views.
I've also previously asked that RHP have an "About Us" page that summarises where the managers are based, where the site is based, who subscriptions go to and their associates.
This fell on deaf ears.
But in general... I think the mods (whoever they are) are doing a good job. They take the fragile framework of civilization and juggle it against society. That ain't easy.
So... If we get to know who is doing what, that is good. But it ain't really vitally important. I just have to learn that words do matter. Every once in a while I slip. I try to get too cute? Too funny and I offend.
Others offend by repetion and unsupported insinuation.
Originally posted by StarValleyWysily..i have explained where i got myname to you befor... the card game xxxenophile... silly... and conflicted no... mywoman was bein a wench and couldnt take the debate..ahh whell... game on...
Naw! Burp...
He/she/it just hates strong "Alien" women. errr...
xxxxxxeeeenophober ... what do you hate? (svw does his bit to preserve the notion of the UN... When in doubt, communicate, yada, yada etc.)