@Cliff-Mashburn saidI'm as old as he is, and I don't consider myself a "thing".
Not this "thing". It's being held on strings by Obama,Pelosi,Schumer, etc. America hasn't had a president in almost four years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk2aXYWd490
Are you even a human being ?
@Cliff-Mashburn saidWhy do you believe everything Trump says?
Not this "thing". It's being held on strings by Obama,Pelosi,Schumer, etc. America hasn't had a president in almost four years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk2aXYWd490
You get that he lies, right?
Sounds like some serious TDS, man.
I thought you said Trump was NOT senile. He is sure showing it these days.
THEY ARE EATING DOGS. Really a nice way to get us together as Americans.
And you LOVE the race baiting going on because you WANT the US to be permanently split into two camps. In your sick twisted mind, democrats are not even Americans, all them are just traitors to the wishes of Christian nationalists and White nationalists both of those POS camps want to turn the US into a Christian version of Iraq and Iran.
Of course with whitey on top again like they were in 1840.
And you put down the bills Biden got passed that Trump never did, like the infrastructure bill Trump TRIED and failed to pass even though he OWNS house and senate.
He wouldn't have even THOUGHT about a chips bill, billions for companies making chips here in the US rather than relying on Taiwan and Japan.
Or getting the price of Insulin down to 35 bucks where in the past it was as much as 400 bucks for insulin that costs 10 bucks to manufacture.
Or the inflation reduction act which BTW is working, inflation down to under 3% when it peaked 3 times that in Trumpworld.
Yep, NOTHING bills.
Then there was the BIPARTISIN border bill, the best border bill in decades, Trump couldn't STAND the idea of Biden getting brownie points for passing a bill that would have had 1500 more agents, feet on the ground, including a bunch more judges and their crew to get through the overwhelming level of asylum seekers.
So Trump just goes to his pet squeaker of the house, good old Mikey, he goes KILL BILL and OF COURSE Johnson just falls over and plays dead, no bill, in the trash, not even DEBATE on the bill much less a vote.
Yep, Trump clearly doing his best for the border.
@Cliff-Mashburn saidNo, we're not, it's a common distinction from the right.
Yes but you're not totally senile and retardofked like he is, are you?
I thank God my parents weren't "retardofked" conservatives.
Maybe you can sue your parents, that might make Trump proud.
@sonhouse saidYeah, it's not his fault that his best sucks.
I thought you said Trump was NOT senile. He is sure showing it these days.
THEY ARE EATING DOGS. Really a nice way to get us together as Americans.
And you LOVE the race baiting going on because you WANT the US to be permanently split into two camps. In your sick twisted mind, democrats are not even Americans, all them are just traitors to the wishes of Ch ...[text shortened]... sh, not even DEBATE on the bill much less a vote.
Yep, Trump clearly doing his best for the border.