Perry joins Bachmann, Paul, Gingrich, and Santorum in signing the anti-abortion pledge. Signing the pledge may help continue the surge of social conservative support for Perry's candidacy. Notably, Romney has refused to sign the pledge.
The pledge includes four points: a vow to only nominate strict constructionist judges, to "select only pro-life appointees for relevant Cabinet and Executive Branch positions," to push for defunding Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-supported abortion providers and to sign a Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
A nuance is that with the limitation in the pledge of only pro-life appointees. Perry if president could not nominate someone like Guliani to attorney general, for example, unless of course Perry reneged on the pledge.
From the LA Times:
Anti-abortion activists cheered news today that Texas Gov. Rick Perry had signed a sweeping pledge promising to use federal government power to curtail abortion.
Leading activists had expressed concern about Perry in recent weeks, worried that his zeal for state sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution would get in the way of using the federal government to prevent abortions.
At a conference several weeks ago, Perry said that if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion decision, it would be up to the states to decide how to regulate the practice.
Last night, Perry signed a pledge calling for sweeping federal action to stop abortion and appoint anti-abortion advocates to top federal positions, including judgeships. The pledge, written and sponsored by the Susan B. Anthony Fund, has been signed by seven other presidential candidates with the exception of Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman.,0,5730418.story?track=rss:
See also from the Houston Chronicle:
Originally posted by KazetNagorraMaybe, after the primaries, he'll claim that the "anti-abortion pledge" wasn't actually printed on the piece of paper he signed.
A mistake, I think. Pro-lifers tend to vote GOP anyway, so there is no real need to pamper them. It might help him win the Republican nomination, but will surely alienate some moderates he desperately needs to beat Obama.
Originally posted by moon1969I'm happy to see that Romney is showing some fortitude.
Perry joins Bachmann, Paul, Gingrich, and Santorum in signing the anti-abortion pledge. Signing the pledge may help continue the surge of social conservative support for Perry's candidacy. Notably, Romney has refused to sign the pledge.
The pledge includes four points: a vow to only nominate strict constructionist judges, to "select only pro-life appoi ...[text shortened]... Chronicle: