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phone hacking



Recently I worked at Menwith Hill North Yorkshire a US base that listens in to British private phone calls Cell and land line violating Article 8 of the European convention of human rights, even passing information on to MI5 saving them getting warrants to intercept calls, it is considered the largest listening post outside of the USA, recently it was rebranded as RAF Menwith Hill and a union jack was erected next to the stars and stripes the only RAF presence is a lone Squadron leader, this is really run by the NSA . DO WE REALLY NEED THIS ON BRITISH SOIL I for one say NO.


Originally posted by redbadger
Recently I worked at Menwith Hill North Yorkshire a US base that listens in to British private phone calls Cell and land line violating Article 8 of the European convention of human rights, even passing information on to MI5 saving them getting warrants to intercept calls, it is considered the largest listening post outside of the USA, recently it was rebr ...[text shortened]... leader, this is really run by the NSA . DO WE REALLY NEED THIS ON BRITISH SOIL I for one say NO.
Big Brother does as he pleases.

After all, what do you have to hide?


Originally posted by redbadger
Recently I worked at Menwith Hill North Yorkshire a US base that listens in to British private phone calls Cell and land line violating Article 8 of the European convention of human rights, even passing information on to MI5 saving them getting warrants to intercept calls, it is considered the largest listening post outside of the USA, recently it was rebr ...[text shortened]... leader, this is really run by the NSA . DO WE REALLY NEED THIS ON BRITISH SOIL I for one say NO.
If I were British, I'd want all Yanks off.


Recently I worked for the Bilderberg Illuminati freemasons. They were up to some shady stuff.

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Originally posted by whodey
Big Brother does as he pleases.

After all, what do you have to hide?
my stash of coke and automatic wepons

2 edits

Originally posted by redbadger
my stash of coke and automatic wepons
As long as you are an illegal alien it's OK to have. In fact, I thiink Eric Holder has a few automatic weapons left he could sell ya. 😛

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