Just watched on You Tube and was I most impressed . You Tube tried and succeeded taking it down last week, but it is back . I loved the way they took down Al Gore and exposed Green Energy as a fraud . We have begun using biomass to produce "clean " energy . Biomass is trees that are cut down and reduced to wood chips for burning to create energy . It showed how it is little more than yet another scam by big corporations to make more money at the expense of the people and our planet . How about leveling a mountaintop in Vermont to put in wind power ? Looked like crap . Who would have thought that Michael Moore would make a film that eviscerates the Liberal Left and the Conservative Right . I loved it !
I've heard about it and believe it. All you need is a populist cause and sheisters line up everywhere to get a government grant of some kind.
Generally, democrats and republicans are all capitalists, with nary a dime's worth of difference between them.