Remember the polar bear scare?
According to the Al Gore hype, the erstwhile hapless polar bear was being wiped out by self-centered greedy man (most to blame: white males, to be sure)... and yet here these persecuted bears sit, a 40 year high in population!
Just because people have kind of lost their 'shock and awe' over the whole weather changing thing, Al Gore decided NOW was the time to re-double our efforts on changing the way things are being done.
Maybe it's because the ten year "point of no return" has come and gone.
Maybe it's because he wants an even bigger house.
Whichever, he's baaaaaack...
Coming to a theater near you:
"An Inconvenienter Truth..."
Starring: The really tired eco-system.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHTimer is up, all is lost
Sadly, Gore's latest don't-forget-about-me-guys tome will not be printed using soy ink or recycled paper.
He was in a bind to get it out post haste: this here planet is on a timer, yo!
Originally posted by EladarNo, no, you have it all wrong. Trump is trying to heat the atmosphere so everything burns.
I hope the world doesn't come to an end before Trump gets to burn books.
that's why he is orange like the sun. He will be the sole survivor to enjoy the earth all by his lonesome. 😵