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Pope Knows - Religion and Politics Mix in USA

Pope Knows - Religion and Politics Mix in USA


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By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer

In America in particular, [Pope Benedict XVI] has said repeatedly, the religious intensity stands out in marked contrast to the tepid spiritual emphasis in his native Europe. That makes the U.S. a testing ground for him in his bid to counter secular trends in the world.


Yep. The Religious Right has inspired the new Pope to do exactly what early Americans feared; use the US as a tool of the Catholic Church. The Pope understands that Americans are strangely obsessed with religion, as he is, and that this can be used by him to manipulate the world to put the Christians in charge.

Are there parallels between this article and early American conspiracy theories about the Pope ruling America as he tried to rule Europe?



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I like the Pope. Infact i once auditioned to be the new bell ringer in his tower. I steped back 15 ft. ran towards the bell and hit it head on...bounced off, flew out the opening and landed on the concrete below. The police arrived and asked the Pope what my name was...The Pope answered, "i don't know, but his face rings a bell"


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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer

In America in particular, [Pope Benedict XVI] has said repeatedly, the religious intensity stands out in marked contrast to the tepid spiritual emphasis in his native Europe. That makes the U.S. a testing ground for him in his bid to counter secular trends in the world.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ ...[text shortened]... g
I doubt the USA is on his agenda. This is his third year as pontiff, yet he is only now making his first papal visit to the USA. Already he has travelled across Germany, Austria and Latin America. And following the Catholic headlines, it seems that his comments as Pope have rarely broached American politics. At most, he has allusively supported constitutional bans on same-sex marriage and condemned the Iraq war. Hardly detailed analysis of American politics.

It seems that political hegemony in America is not his goal.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
[i]By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer

In America in particular, [Pope Benedict XVI] has said repeatedly, the religious intensity stands out in marked contrast to the tepid spiritual emphasis in his native Europe. That makes the U.S. a testing ground for him in his bid to counter secular trends in the world.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ ...[text shortened]... c.jpg
When they get around to outlawing things like abortion and contraception and the Iraqi war then wake me. Otherwise I think it safe to say that the Pope has ZERO influence upon the powers that be.

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Originally posted by whodey
I think it safe to say that the Pope has ZERO influence upon the powers that be.
Neutrality has its advantages.

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Originally posted by smw6869
I like the Pope. Infact i once auditioned to be the new bell ringer in his tower. I steped back 15 ft. ran towards the bell and hit it head on...bounced off, flew out the opening and landed on the concrete below. The police arrived and asked the Pope what my name was...The Pope answered, "i don't know, but his face rings a bell"


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Am I the only one who thinks that the Pope resembles Chucky the Evil Doll?

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Originally posted by Seitse
Am I the only one who thinks that the Pope resembles Chucky the Evil Doll?
You're right! He kinda does.

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Some find other kind to resemblance



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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
[i]By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer

In America in particular, [Pope Benedict XVI] has said repeatedly, the religious intensity stands out in marked contrast to the tepid spiritual emphasis in his native Europe. That makes the U.S. a testing ground for him in his bid to counter secular trends in the world.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ ...[text shortened]... c.jpg
Sorry you showed your ignorance here of religion ATY, on several levels. But the Christians that you call the Christian Right on a regular basis are overwhelmingly Baptists and Penecostals, they don't like the Pope any more than you do, well perhaps they dislike him a bit less.

But us Christians forgive you because your an aethist and wouldn't really know the diff. Or are you trying to convince us that there is now a conspiracy between the Vatican and the Christian Right of this country to control politics on the American scene

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
Sorry you showed your ignorance here of religion ATY, on several levels. But the Christians that you call the Christian Right on a regular basis are overwhelmingly Baptists and Penecostals, they don't like the Pope any more than you do, well perhaps they dislike him a bit less.

But us Christians forgive you because your an aethist and wouldn't really ...[text shortened]... the Vatican and the Christian Right of this country to control politics on the American scene
The Christian Right has become the stereotypical idea of the Church that early Americans feared, and the Pope feels a connection to them and sees an opportunity because of them.

Both sides work toward the same goal - a coordinated Christian takeover of the US government.

That's not the same as having Christians in government. It's about a Christian political bloc, not Christian individualists who more often than not oppose one another.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
The Christian Right has become the stereotypical idea of the Church that early Americans feared, and the Pope feels a connection to them and sees an opportunity because of them.

Both sides work toward the same goal - a coordinated Christian takeover of the US government.

That's not the same as having Christians in government. It's about a Christian political bloc, not Christian individualists who more often than not oppose one another.
and you believe in the 'tooth fairy' and all the Harry potter books are true too... now don't you :-)

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
and you believe in the 'tooth fairy' and all the Harry potter books are true too... now don't you :-)
No, I don't believe in supernatural entities, unlike some.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
No, I don't believe in supernatural entities, unlike some.
I think the Pope did quite well yesterday from the reports I saw, visiting the site of the 9-11 attack and then the Mass at Yankee Stadium. From watching for a bit, I think that he was a bit surprised and very much pleased at the show of affection that the people there displayed. Being raised Catholic (my Dad was a devout Catholic, the no meat on Friday kind/Church every Sunday) and having three aunts who were Catholic nuns, it made me feel good that the Pope came to visit. Too bad he didn't get to Texas, we could have hopped in the PopeCar and gone out and had some drinks and some good Texas BBQ for his birthday.

And after all, the message he was spreading was peace, love for fellow man and hope .... who can find fault with that? Plus , he is a heck of alot more sincere about it then Barrack Obama.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
No, I don't believe in supernatural entities, unlike some.
Well, good for you. You'll have to excuse the majority who have faith in a God. As the prayer goes, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Gosh, you got me all religious and stuff, remembering my old Catholic prayers and such. (smiles)

Here is a link for you (or anyone to check out) regarding the Founding Fathers and religion in this country, at the very least, read the quotes.


I generally hate posting links, but this one touched my heart ... oh wait, conservatives are heartless and souless ... I forgot.

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