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Presidential Review

Presidential Review




That's pretty much it. Thanks for paying attention. That's more than the US right can do.

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Basically right except the last one.
The days of Presidents going to jail after their term is not going to happen.

You also forgot Biden and team used the black vote and won't do anything for blacks/non whites...

Other than that you pretty much are up to speed on current affairs. πŸ€”


Well your god king Trump WON'T BE POTUS after January 20 when Biden is sworn in so he will be a civilian and there WILL be legal proceedings because he does have investigations around his grift and taxes.
For instance, as we speak, he is begging for money to use for legal proceedings having to do with the election.
That may even be illegal if he uses it to pay down his monstrous debt instead of some legal work.
New York IS going to go after him and ex POTUS or not he will be a civilian and NOTHING prevents them from going after him after January 21.

You can hide your head in the sand all day long but the sad truth is Trump is a criminal and that will come out when the investigations conclude with your god king being in prison which is my fondest hope.

You seem to not give a rats ass Trump is personally responsible for the deaths of something like half the 300,000 + deaths due to C19.

But you will deny that and claim Trump did everything human to kill the virus.



Jan 20, 2021.
Trump walks out of 1600 Pennsylvania and immediately gets stuffed into the trunk of a waiting car by 4 burly mean looking Russians.
Just kidding.
Complete and total exoneration !! πŸ˜†


Half of Americans don't like Trump and some countries dislike him too but the USA will not let itself be embarrassed by arresting Trump.

Presidents get a pass...they all do.


Well I for one will NOT be embarrassed if Trump gets arrested.
I WILL be embarrassed if this criminal gets off scot free.
There is too much criminal activity for that to happen. I think he is in deep doo doo legally.



Saying whatever they needed to say to get the black vote.

Democrats have been doing that for decades.

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You clearly know nothing about blacks or browns or American first nation people.

You need to get your head out your ass and actually research what is going on with Trump.

He is a criminal and he will be found out.

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@cheesemaster said
Saying whatever they needed to say to get the black vote.

Democrats have been doing that for decades.
Not as bad as the GOP successfully selling trickle down economics to poor people.

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I would Iike to add just two of Trump’s totally hare-brained ideas which typify his presidency.

He asked his advisers whether a nuclear weapon could be used to stop an approaching hurricane. Fortunately, in this instance, he followed expert advice.

He suggested on live camera that introducing light and/or bleach inside the human body might kill the COVID virus. He was not being sarcastic, as his spin doctors later claimed. He really said it and he really thought he was offering a brilliant ‘stable genius’ idea to medical experts.

Quite apart from his churlishness, those two moments sum up his presidency for me.

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The theory of explosions and hurricanes is to change the temperature and that would lessen the hurricanes strength...(in theory)

Obviously you wouldn't use nukes.

But a large enough explosion over/in a hurricane would change the temperature and possibly stop or lessen the hurricane...(in theory)

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No comment on the bleach tidbit 😏

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