Since the GOP ran for 8 years on repealing Obamacare and passed legislation to repeal it, knowing Obama would veto it, but now inexplicably refuse to pass the same legislation, knowing Trump will sing it, I will from here on out only refer to the GOP as Pubes.
Just so we understand terms.
Now it is the American people against it's government since our votes are no longer heard.
What should we do next?
Originally posted by @whodeyDon't you have guns for exactly this situation? Time to practice what the right always preaches, Whodey. Pick up your guns and show 'em who's boss.
Since the GOP ran for 8 years on repealing Obamacare and passed legislation to repeal it, knowing Obama would veto it, but now inexplicably refuse to pass the same legislation, knowing Trump will sing it, I will from here on out only refer to the GOP as Pubes.
Just so we understand terms.
Now it is the American people against it's government since our votes are no longer heard.
What should we do next?
I'll be watching the news this evening.
Originally posted by @great-king-ratI was thinking more along the lines of the Article V movement.
Don't you have guns for exactly this situation? Time to practice what the right always preaches, Whodey. Pick up your guns and show 'em who's boss.
I'll be watching the news this evening.
I don't advocate how Bernie Sanders socialist followers heed the call to revolution by trying to shoot all of the members of the Pube Congress.
I've long understood that Progs really despise democracy. Their demagoguery would indicate otherwise as they champion democracy when it works the way they want it to work.
However, lose an election or two and they would rather try to gun them all down, or declare the winner of those elections as illegitimate.
Americans voted for those who said they would overturn Obamacare. They lied. Those who lied are subverting the democratic process.
The Article V movement seeks to have states rise up and create amendments to the Constitution for the first time in US history. The provision was put in place for such a times as this.
Well over half the country wants things like term limits and a balanced budget amendment. In order for democracy to work, we need to bypass those in Washington who will fight to suppress the will of the people in such things.
I'm thinking that health care is yet another amendment that we need. Currently, I'm rooting for California as they are attempting to implement a single payer system. That's right everyone, I'm actually rooting for them because I want to see how it works before damning the rest of the nation to it, win, lose, or draw.
Originally posted by @great-king-ratThat's because you want to see blood flowing in the streets.
Damnit. Here I was hoping for some exciting events happening in Fatland.
You are just a cookie cutter collectivist is all.
Now back to the thread. Do we want term limits or watch 90 year old men who have been in Congress for 80 years or so with tumors eating away their brain dictating to the voters that they are stupid and don't know what is good for them?
Originally posted by @whodeyI want you to take the POWAH!, Whodey. It's time for a revolution! This is why you've been hoarding all your guns, for when democracy turns to tyranny, you do the right thing!
That's because you want to see blood flowing in the streets.
You are just a cookie cutter collectivist is all.
Now back to the thread. Do we want term limits or watch 90 year old men who have been in Congress for 80 years or so with tumors eating away their brain dictating to the voters that they are stupid and don't know what is good for them?
Do it, Whodey! No more time to dilly-dally, the time has come to take back what the fascists have taken from you!
Originally posted by @whodeyYou are being typically dishonest; the Republicans did not run on repealing Obamacare and leaving 20+ million without health care. Instead they claimed they would replace Obamacare with some wonderful health care system that would cover just about everybody + reduce premiums and deductibles.
I've long understood that Progs really despise democracy. Their demagoguery would indicate otherwise as they champion democracy when it works the way they want it to work.
However, lose an election or two and they would rather try to gun them all down, or declare the winner of those elections as illegitimate.
Americans voted for those ...[text shortened]... ause I want to see how it works before damning the rest of the nation to it, win, lose, or draw.
Yes they lied but not in the way you are claiming. They are failing to pass the Obamacare repeal bills that have been placed in front of them because they know these are hugely unpopular and they fear voter backlash in the next election. That is what democracy is all about.
EDIT: Of course, you pretending to be a champion of democracy is a laugh.
Originally posted by @no1marauderWait...wut?
You are being typically dishonest; the Republicans did not run on repealing Obamacare and leaving 20+ million without health care. Instead they claimed they would replace Obamacare with some wonderful health care system that would cover just about everybody + reduce premiums and deductibles.
Yes they lied but not in the way you are claiming. They are ...[text shortened]... cracy is all about.
EDIT: Of course, you pretending to be a champion of democracy is a laugh.
The Pubes voted to repeal Obamacare after taking control of both houses of Congress and Obama vetoed it and they did not run on repealing Obamacare?
I'm speechless.
As the article states:
The veto was the eighth of Obama’s presidency and the sixth since last year, when Republicans took over both chambers of Congress.
"Even though Obama long threatened to veto the measure, Republicans touted the vote as an important step toward reversing the Affordable Care Act if the party wins the White House in November."
That is a pretty lame retort, even for you. 😲