In late 2006 and early 2007, the Zapatistas (through Subcomandante Marcos), along with other indigenous peoples of the Americas, announced the Intercontinental Indigenous Encounter. They invited indigenous people from all over the Americas and the rest of the world, to gather on October 11-14, 2007 near Guaymas, Sonora. In the declaration for the Indigenous Intercontinental Conference, it designated this date because of "515 years since the invasion of ancient Indigenous territories and the onslaught of the war of conquest, spoils and capitalist exploitation". Comandante David said in an interview; "The object of this meeting is to meet one another and to come to know one another’s pains and sufferings. It is to share our experiences, because each tribe is different."[10]
The Third Encuentro of the Zapatistas People with the People of the World was held from December 28, 2007 - January 1, 2008[11]
In mid January 2009, Marcos made a speech on behalf of the Zapatistas in which he supported the resistance of the Palestinians as "the Israeli government's heavily trained and armed military continues its march of death and destruction." He described the actions of the Israeli government as a "classic military war of conquest". He said: "The Palestinian people will also resist and survive and continue struggling and will continue to have sympathy from below for their cause."[12]
Originally posted by scherzoZapa-dapa-do.....who the hell cares?
Any thoughts on the current civil war in Chiapas? I'm casting in my lot with the Zapatistas; even though they're less powerful than the EM, they're a lot more moral and I can identify with them much more easily. Plus they're gaining a surprisingly strong foothold.
Originally posted by zeeblebotQue viva Marcos.
In late 2006 and early 2007, the Zapatistas (through Subcomandante Marcos), along with other indigenous peoples of the Americas, announced the Intercontinental Indigenous Encounter. They invited indigenous people from all over the Americas and the rest of the world, to gather on Oct ...[text shortened]... ntinue struggling and will continue to have sympathy from below for their cause."[12]
And I bet you can tell from that why I can identify with them.
Originally posted by scherzowhere the hell is "chiapas" and how is this important?
Any thoughts on the current civil war in Chiapas? I'm casting in my lot with the Zapatistas; even though they're less powerful than the EM, they're a lot more moral and I can identify with them much more easily. Plus they're gaining a surprisingly strong foothold.