Sorry, Dotty and the rest:
Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a still powerful cleric who heads Iran's main political arbitration body, warned the country to beware of foreign plots to divide Iranians.
"We have the experience that when our revolution triumphed it was because we we were all united," Rafsanjani told thousands of the faithful packed into Khomeini's massive shrine on the outskirts of Tehran.
"With this experience, we should not play into the hands of foreign enemies and US conspiracies. Differences between ethnicities and religious groups is just what the enemy wants.
"They want to say that we are disunited. But they will learn their lesson on February 11 when the people come to the streets and defend our nuclear right and show there are no differences among us," he said.;_ylt=AuczOAC70W.OdWL4EjKGP5b9xg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTA2ZGZwam4yBHNlYwNmYw--