Obama: All options are on the table to slash deficits
By Steven Thomma | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Tuesday that every politically painful choice must be considered — including spending cuts, tax increases, even changing the new health care law — as he launched what he hopes will be a bipartisan effort to reduce the government's soaring budget deficits.
“Everything has to be on the table,” Obama said after meeting with the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform at its first session.
Despite his own campaign promise not to raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $200,000 annually, Obama said that it was a political game to try to get a president to rule things in or out when facing a debt crisis.
"It’s an old Washington game, and one that has made it all but impossible in the past for people to sit down and have an honest discussion about putting our country on a more secure fiscal footing,” he said in the White House Rose Garden.
“So my message is simple: We’re not playing the game.”
Originally posted by zeeblebotFirst he will say what a terrible mess he was handed by "W". Then he will say that he produced a panel of "experts" to tell him that he needs to raise taxes, or else!! Then he thinks it will fly with voters who he lied to about not raising taxes.
Obama: All options are on the table to slash deficits
By Steven Thomma | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Tuesday that every politically painful choice must be considered — including spending cuts, tax increases, even changing the new heal the White House Rose Garden.
“So my message is simple: We’re not playing the game.”
All I can say is, "Good luck with that!!"
Of course, he is violating one of the two biggest no, no's in American politics which are don't raise my taxes and don't take away my entitlements. They really don't care why you might do either, even if you have a valid reason for doing either, which Obama does not. I mean, its not like he had to outspend "W" five time over.