I say what we need is real gun control. That's right, we need to take guns away from those who inflict the most death around the world. That would mean forcing the US governemnt to turn their arms over to the citizens of their own country. It would save millions of lives around the globe and reduce the cost of law enforcement.
President Obama used grieving families from the recent gun shooting to help pass his gun control, however, I plan on using the thousands of grieving families around the country who have lost their sons and daughters and even the recently killed ambassadors family to pass my gun control.
Then I'll get all the international families out grieving on Capital Hill that will dwarf any rally ever held in Washington. They will display the pictures of myriads of children who have been slaughtered around the world thanks to the US government.
Originally posted by whodeyyou are blaming the wars bush started on obama now? i must have missed that little update into how americans think.
I propose we start with background checks in the government, starting with Berry Obama.
Knowing how many people the US president has killed, including women and children, who will be willing to issue Berry Obama a fire arm?
Originally posted by ZahlanziThis is not about Obama even though he is part of the equation. This is about the Leviathan known as the United States federal government.
you are blaming the wars bush started on obama now? i must have missed that little update into how americans think.
Since 2004, the United States government have killed about 3,325 people, out of which 881 were civilians, and of those there were about 176 children.
This is not including the wars abroad like in Iran, Iraq, and Libya. God only knows who else they are killing or how many have died in these wars as well.
Of course, most of these are not white school children, so I guess all is OK with the world.
See, I even used a web site all liberals believe as the gospel truth. 😛
Originally posted by KazetNagorraWhodey is serious. The United States government have killed far more people in the world than its citizens owning their own fire arms. I think the world is a safer place with the guns in the hands of its citizens. It would reduce the need for the military as well as law enforcement and a border patrol. Once disarmed, the US government will have no choice but to cease and desist from playing the worlds policeman.
We need the government to step in and stop whodey before people start cringing themselves to death after witnessessing such horrendous attempts at humour.
Of course, this is a dream. Although liberals say they have dreamed of this as well, I say they are lying. I say they like being the big bully on the block, so long as their man is in the Oval Office, that is.
Originally posted by whodeyAmen to that whodster amen to that!!!!!
I say what we need is real gun control. That's right, we need to take guns away from those who inflict the most death around the world. That would mean forcing the US governemnt to turn their arms over to the citizens of their own country. It would save millions of lives around the globe and reduce the cost of law enforcement.
Originally posted by whodeyConsider that it was the Obama administration that revived the failed "Gunrunner" program at BATF, put it on steroids, and called it "Fast and Furious". Two American law enforcement people are dead, and countless Mexicans have died from the guns that were walked into Mexico by that program.
Whodey is serious. The United States government have killed far more people in the world than its citizens owning their own fire arms. I think the world is a safer place with the guns in the hands of its citizens. It would reduce the need for the military as well as law enforcement and a border patrol. Once disarmed, the US government will have no choice ...[text shortened]... they like being the big bully on the block, so long as their man is in the Oval Office, that is.
Consider also that while the administration wails about background checks, the NICS system rejected 1500 gun buys last year when criminals or mentally ill tried to make purchases. Guess how many of those 1500 the Justice Department prosecuted? Just 45.
We stood by and watched 2500 guns get purchased by known "straw buyers" who would transfer the guns to drug cartels, and we ignored our own NICS system when criminals attempted to buy guns. What a novel idea! Enforce the laws on the books before making new ones.
Originally posted by normbenignThe federal government is just like all of us. It is everyone else that has the problem, so take their guns and we will keep our own.
Consider that it was the Obama administration that revived the failed "Gunrunner" program at BATF, put it on steroids, and called it "Fast and Furious". Two American law enforcement people are dead, and countless Mexicans have died from the guns that were walked into Mexico by that program.
Consider also that while the administration wails about backg ed to buy guns. What a novel idea! Enforce the laws on the books before making new ones.
However, if I compared my background check to a President that kills American citizens abroad without trial and innocent children in drone attacks the problem is not Whodey, nor law abiding citizens, even though his rabid supporters would never admit to it.