My generation (all 75 million of us) is retiring. Most of us are in our 60's and 70's now. Many of our 401k's are in good shape, Social Security is arriving, and with COVID running rampant, many of us don't feel the need run on the corporate treadmill anymore. (See link below for a sample from North Carolina)
Republicans would have us believe the labor shortage is because Americans are just too lazy to work, but the real reason is because my generation has been grinding away in the work a day world for a half century, we've built our retirement, and are now living the American dream of doing what we want to do - when we want to do it.
I'll be 67 later this month. I've downsized my business to part time. I worked this morning, but this afternoon will be doing Yoga, going on a long walk, then diving into some tactics problems.
I'm sure the corporate rat race will survive without us. 🙂
@contenchess saidIt's not all that bad, is it?
People are bored.
Angry at everything.
(Left and Right)
All the big wars had a period right before like we are experiencing now.
I always said WW3 will be before 2030. 🤔
China and Russia are preparing.
Are we? Nope.
We are too busy focusing on people's feelings 🙄
@mchill saidI just noticed from history that the way we are acting now always led to wars.
It's not all that bad, is it?
All of them had a build up period.
We are doing it and don't even realize it.
Maybe humans need wars.
A reset.
Go through hell to realize we actually had it good before. of the best chess players ever said humans need catastrophe in order to advance as humans. 🤔
(I think it was Lasker...I'm looking for the quote now) turns out Reinfeld said Lasker's thinking was the naive 1800's way of thinking where we progress from short term catastrophes.
I agree with it. 😉
@mchill saidLabor shortages are due to the fact that due to rising costs the value of an employee is less than the amount the employee wants for working. Higher minimum wage laws and free Covid checks make people feel they don't need to work.
My generation (all 75 million of us) is retiring. Most of us are in our 60's and 70's now. Many of our 401k's are in good shape, Social Security is arriving, and with COVID running rampant, many of us don't feel the need run on the corporate treadmill anymore. (See link below for a sample from North Carolina)
Republicans would have us believe the labor shortage is because A ...[text shortened]... at-labor-shortage-look-to-wave-of-retirements-not-government-aid-to-understand/#sthash.zss9GOdE.dpbs
@quackquack saidLabor shortages are due to the fact that due to rising costs the value of an employee is less than the amount the employee wants for working.
Labor shortages are due to the fact that due to rising costs the value of an employee is less than the amount the employee wants for working. Higher minimum wage laws and free Covid checks make people feel they don't need to work.
You're about 10% correct Mr. quack, but few would argue that 50 million people retiring over 10 years might just have some effect on the labor picture.
@mchill saidRetiring means you permanently decide you don't want to work.t to
Labor shortages are due to the fact that due to rising costs the value of an employee is less than the amount the employee wants for working.
You're about 10% correct Mr. quack, but few would argue that 50 million people retiring over 10 years might just have some effect on the labor picture.
So your argument is sort of tautology: few would argue that if 50 million people (I have no idea if that is accurate) suddenly decide they don't want to work that a lot of people no longer want to work. I'm saying that the cause of people not working is that employers value the work being done as less than the amount the employee is willing to take as compensation from working. And that, at an increasing rate, is due to increasing costs due to shortages or items and Covid modifications and substitutes way of receiving money like government checks.
THAT is total BS. Just another one of the republican BIG LIES.
Repubs have a RELIGIOUS argument going about people getting money and just laying back and getting stoned playing video games all day and that is one of the big repub lies. Religious because their is no arguing them, no matter WHAT refutation comes up, they just repeat those big lies.
People WANT to work and the reason repubs have this stance is they can say for ANY entitlement program, we can't afford it (even though we are the richest country on Earth, what they want is to not govern at all, just get rid of all EPA kind of laws so big companies can go back to dumping toxins in our rivers and the like so they tout 'small government' which is just another tale allowing them to not pass ANYTHING helping citizens. like repubs rejecting ANY dem bill right now, needed or not)
@sonhouse saidWe have runaway inflation even though our administration flat out lied saying that it was temporary. We have open jobs because the government hands out money instead of asking people to work. Maybe you should look in the mirror and acknowledge that your economic policies cause damage.
THAT is total BS. Just another one of the republican BIG LIES.
Repubs have a RELIGIOUS argument going about people getting money and just laying back and getting stoned playing video games all day and that is one of the big repub lies. Religious because their is no arguing them, no matter WHAT refutation comes up, they just repeat those big lies.
People WA ...[text shortened]... to not pass ANYTHING helping citizens. like repubs rejecting ANY dem bill right now, needed or not)