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Repub strategists are STUPID.

Repub strategists are STUPID.


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Jul 23
2 edits

Instead of going after Biden by say talking about how terrible inflation is and using that kind of argument as a strategy, they go after Hunter Biden because they think that will swing voters away from his dad.
Then they want to weaponize sex, attacking gays and trans but that is a losing proposition because the majority of Americans see through their hypocrisy because most folks see nothing sinister in some drag show but the zombies weaponize that with lies about drag queens going after children.
Thing is, it didn't work all that well when they tried the abused children gambit with that pizza shop BS tale where Hillary had some kind of secret room where they try to convert kids to being gay or some such crap. Didn't work then and it won't work now but they have such a short sighted vision they don't give a rats ass about it but trying to instill fear in the US JUST LIKE DICTATORS DO.
First thing on a dictators list, drive folks apart, JEWS WILL NEVER REPLACE US and the like, instill fear. That is the sum total of their 'strategy'.
They are going to find out the hard way come Nov. 24 the majority of US voters see right through their weaponization to try to split us apart. Like I said, STUPID STUPID STUPID.
And Trump goes "I will be your retribution' which is funny because it is not the folks wanting this so-called retribution but it is Trump himself who will 100% do retribution against his perceived enemies rather than doing actual governing.
And with the repub zombies declaring right out in the open there will be ZERO in the way of policy to talk about but EVERYTHING about gaining power any way they can.
Dems want to gain power by winning votes but zombies don't want that vote thingy, they want to tear down democracy completely and just take over like they tried on Jan 6 and that was the dress rehearsal and I would not be surprised if they don't try again.
But the problem for the zombies is we have been warned and will be ready for the traitors run by the Traitor in Chief, Trump.

And I have ZERO doubt the zombies here will go, BIDEN IS SO CORRUPT, bla bla bla totally missing the point that the drive to POTUS should be about the economy, health, energy, homelessness, climate change and the like but instead they fire teachers for daring to read a book she actually got out of the school library.
Yep, lets ban books, can't let those poor defenseless kids learn about our history of slavery, no no no, can't even say gay.
What kind of BULLSHYTE is this anyway?
Personally I think they should be called traitors, like Jim Jordan, a world class card carrying ASSSSHOLE who has his tongue so far up Trump's ass he is starting to lick Trumps own tongue and he is in trouble of his own for that tiny sex scandal he knew all about but did nothing when he was an assistant coach and then there is Marjory, I think she must be an alien in human disguise, how else can you explain her, er, 'statements'?
This is what we get for repubs?

If Trump actually wins in 24 his base is not going to like what he has become, what he already SAID he would become, I will be your retribution'.
That tells the tale right there, in one sentence right out of T's mouth.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
06 Jul 23

@sonhouse said
Instead of going after Biden by say talking about how terrible inflation is and using that kind of argument as a strategy, they go after Hunter Biden because they think that will swing voters away from his dad.
Then they want to weaponize sex, attacking gays and trans but that is a losing proposition because the majority of Americans see through their hypocrisy because most ...[text shortened]... ombies is we have been warned and will be ready for the traitors run by the Traitor in Chief, Trump.
Glad you got that out of your system?

You are correct though. Republicans targetting certain minority groups within society should be a stark warning to any voter.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Jul 23

So the Carolina state law saying we are independent and can ignore SCOTUS and POTUS and make laws saying we can take over any POTUS election if we don't like the way our citizens voted, say for Biden, no matter, they take over and have their own electors just say TRUMP WON! ISN'T THAT INCREDIBLE?"
Neal Katyal fixed that one, winning the case just a few days ago in the Supreme Court, which was a surprise to me, 6-3 against such laws and that from the most corrupt and ultraright wing SCOTUS in US history.
The next one I assume is making it's way through the courts is the incredibly draconian law passed there making a girl a criminal for daring to cross state lines to get an abortion in a state allowing it, like Washington, that bunch of dog crap is in Idaho. So now if a pregnant girl crosses state lines to get an abortion, she now has a criminal record regardless of the outcome of the charges.
I assume this POS law will wend it's way through the courts up to SCOTUS and they BETTER do the right thing and kill it because that is literally in the constitution that people can cross state lines whenever they want and no state can pass laws otherwise no matter their reason.
The problem with these states making these POS laws is repub states are contagious and would see what they consider a winner and run with it.
Same with the BS law about electors, but at least THAT one got shut down.

Ãœber-Nerd (emeritus)

31 May 12
06 Jul 23


The Republicans have demographics against them; that’s why they have to gerrymander and circumvent elections to stay in power.

I just wish the Democrats would put up a candidate who remembers what day of the week it is.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Jul 23

We shall see but who can rile up dems? Hillary has shot her wad, AOC? not likely.
Do you have a suggestion as to who might have the charisma to fire up the Dem base?

Ãœber-Nerd (emeritus)

31 May 12
06 Jul 23


Alas, no. The Democrats wasted 4 years reeling from one Trump-crisis to the next, instead of grooming a successor.

Feinstein is way past her sell-by date.

Maybe the Senator from MA?


Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
06 Jul 23
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@moonbus said

Alas, no. The Democrats wasted 4 years reeling from one Trump-crisis to the next, instead of grooming a successor.

Feinstein is way past her sell-by date.

Maybe the Senator from MA?

The problem is that almost all the old-school dems, who remember what dems should be fighting for, are getting pretty long in the tooth.

Don't get me wrong, I love Elizabeth Warren, but a young democrat with new ideas (good ones, not idiotic rehashed conservative ideas), in the mold of JFK, who doesn't have a compulsive bone to pick with America, who seems able to get the youth excited as well, is what we need to get past the Trumptards and their fear and loathing.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Jul 23
1 edit

Boy do we need someone like that.
I shudder to think of what the US would be like if Trump somehow won in 24. I think that would finalize the fall of the US.
I would not put it past the then POTUS Trump to kill our membership in NATO and such, making deals with Putin to parse out Ukraine into the new Soviet era besides going after all his perceived enemies.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
06 Jul 23
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@sonhouse said
Boy do we need someone like that.
I shudder to think of what the US would be like if Trump somehow won in 24. I think that would finalize the fall of the US.
I would not put it past the then POTUS Trump to kill our membership in NATO and such, making deals with Putin to parse out Ukraine into the new Soviet era besides going after all his perceived enemies.
I am the same age as JFK was when he was assassinated. A couple months older, actually.

I realized this about a month ago and spent the rest of the day weirded out.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Jul 23
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Well there you go, Suzianne for president!

Mott The Hoople

05 Nov 06
07 Jul 23

@shavixmir said
Glad you got that out of your system?

You are correct though. Republicans targetting certain minority groups within society should be a stark warning to any voter.
explain how republicans target minority groups

Mott The Hoople

05 Nov 06
07 Jul 23

@sonhouse said
Boy do we need someone like that.
I shudder to think of what the US would be like if Trump somehow won in 24. I think that would finalize the fall of the US.
I would not put it past the then POTUS Trump to kill our membership in NATO and such, making deals with Putin to parse out Ukraine into the new Soviet era besides going after all his perceived enemies.
what benefit is nato to the US?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Jul 23
2 edits

Hey assswipe, on 911 I WAS THERE 24 hours at Red Cross HQ in Manhattan helping out where I could and guess what, NATO came in to help, so they helped US that terrible day.
Anything you post is absolute BULLSHYTE, you are just puking out the words of your god DAMN king Trump.
So kiss my ass you POS traitor to democracy.
You ONLY mouth the words and sentiments of your god king Trump.,
You are ABSOLUTELY incapable of independent thought, to fact check and all that, so every word your god king Trump says goes right into the part of your brain where no thinking is allowed and then you just puke it all out again, faithful slave as you are.
So for you, if Trump says NATO sucks, that is all you need, you need no background, no history, all you need is the lying words of Trump.
But you said nothing about the fact repub strategists are plain STUPID to be touting the idea splitting us up will win elections, going total right wing will win them seats.
Sure, and I have a GREAT bridge for sale CHEAP......

Catch the Train 47!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
07 Jul 23
1 edit

@sonhouse said
Instead of going after Biden by say talking about how terrible inflation is and using that kind of argument as a strategy, they go after Hunter Biden because they think that will swing voters away from his dad.
Then they want to weaponize sex, attacking gays and trans but that is a losing proposition because the majority of Americans see through their hypocrisy because most ...[text shortened]... will be your retribution'.
That tells the tale right there, in one sentence right out of T's mouth.
Too much fluff here, Sonhouse, but a scan of the notes finds that you make no reference to the very viable possibility, given the flow of money from 'abroad' into about 20 laundering accounts (what else could it be but efforts to hide the money) that Joe Biden is a part of quite a huge nefarious operation. You say we 'are going after Hunter' in your first sentence, as if we are solely after him.
A mite disingenuous, but what's new. Why don't you come clean and comment on the connection of his father, beginning maybe with his lie (like Sgt Schultz...I know nothing..) that he never spoke to his son about business.
Yeah, he boarded AirForce1 to China, and saw Hunter sitting there ....hey, son what are you doing here? Why are you here?
Write meaningful posts, Sonhouse, quit sounding like a campground preacher. Geez.

Catch the Train 47!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
07 Jul 23
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I assume this POS law will wend it's way through the courts up to SCOTUS and they BETTER do the right thing and kill it because that is literally in the constitution that people can cross state lines whenever they want and no state can pass laws otherwise no matter their reason.
Of course 'people can cross state lines whenever they want to". But you seem to avoid confirming that each state has its own laws. If you are driving 80 in Montana, you have to drop down to 70 in Wyoming. Golly, states can make their own laws. Surely you know that, but you, as is customary for you, write that sentence, leaving us scratching our heads. What is your point? One county may say 'No Alcoholic Sales', and the next county allows it.
You are a confusing lot. Oh, if you say the above in reference to abortions, do you not have to abide the law of the state you are crossing into???
Again, what is your point?

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