Originally posted by bill718Its the dumb blond syndrome.
I don't agree with the Conservative agenda, but I must admit those Republican women on TV are really good looking. Those women on Fox news (yes I do watch it now and again) are really pretty, as are Bachman, Palin, and Coulter (although Coulter needs to gain about 5-10 pounds).
Originally posted by AThousandYoungWell, yeah, and most of Hollywood and music. I find Natalie Maines hot, but then I have a thing for tough short girls.
Obama girl.
I've always had a crush on Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.
And although the age is starting to show, I have a big thing for Katrina vanden Heuvel.
But Fox does have a slew of blonde lookers. And if I'm not actually hearing her voice, Michelle Malkin does something for me.
Anne Coulter? Meh. Too skinny, and she doesn't smile enough.