What a bunch of lying hypocrites, a bunch of them saying in TV ads
'we will ALWAYS protect pre-existing conditions for medical care' but at the same time a LOT of court cases where they are trying to stop exactly that.
The obvious motivation for that is they 1, don't give a damn about the plight of actual people, and 2, they have to cover their sorry asses from the disastrous tax bill where the majority of the tax breaks went to the 1%ers and middle class even pays more so they have to cut into whatever program they can find to try to make up the difference in the deficit.
So medicare and social security will be next if they keep both houses come Tuesday.
There is a story floating around right now BTW, that there is a secret subpoena going on from the Mueller team, and the word on the street is it is targeting Trump himself.
So Trumps defense team is secretly trying to fight it and keep it secret which it probably can until it hits the SCOTUS, at which point SOME clues will come out about the person involved but my guess is since Trump has already bought his get out of jail card now that Kavanaugh is firmly ensconced as one of the SCOTUS dudes, that court case will come to nothing.
Trump wins again.
That is, unless Dems win the house. It looks like they will actually lose seats in the senate though so the only way sanity can prevail is if Dems win the house. Otherwise the fit will hit the shan come 2019.
Republicans will reveal their true agenda which is the killing of medicare and social security, strip them down so far they can pay for the criminal tax cut they forced through. Now that the deficit is actually pushing a trillion dollars and the national debt 21 TRILLION and growing.
You republicans must remember the speech Trump gave about how the then 19 trillion debt was terrible and if Hillary won it would soon be 21 trillion, so guess what, Trump wins and it is NOW 21 trillion but I guess Trump thinks that is no big deal, in fact, welcomed because that gives them the excuse they need to cut programs to the bone where they will tell their base they are going after small government, along with of course, the death of the EPA and consumer protections.
Now that Trump is very worried about the elections he comes up with yet another scare tactic involving his criminal behavior saying the 'caravan' is full of ISIS members and thugs, playing the fear card and now sending up to 15,000 regular military to the border, where they cannot by law engage in any domestic law affairs so they will be in fact unarmed, just bodies and so with 15,000 people looking over the border of 2000 odd miles, that gives about 5 or so people extra per mile, a useless gesture but of course we all know it is just for show to pander to his base.
Yes, Trump must think we are so stupid we won't be able to figure any of that out.
Whatever happened to that tried and at least in the past tradition we used to have called 'checks and balances' in our government?
Gone with the wind.
In case you had not noticed, the DNC is not offering to balance budgets. No, they want free health care and college.
Oh, and raising taxes won't make up for the money these programs will require to be funded.
And they think people like you are stupid?
Well...............what would you think?
As for health care and social security, etc., it matters little who is in power. These programs are not sustainable and the longer they embrace them the more the US will become like Greece. All you can hope for is having the GOP to blame for it.
@whodey saidThe tax cut didn't effect middle class AT ALL, in fact makes it more because they eliminated the deduction for state income taxes. You might think you are in some kind of a fantasy world but the REAL world clearly screws the middle class and that is not even taking into considerations long term survivability of SS and such.
In case you had not noticed, the DNC is not offering to balance budgets. No, they want free health care and college.
Oh, and raising taxes won't make up for the money these programs will require to be funded.
And they think people like you are stupid?
Well...............what would you think?
As for health care and social security, etc., it matters lit ...[text shortened]... em the more the US will become like Greece. All you can hope for is having the GOP to blame for it.
Besides, SS would have been fine if the SS coffers had not been stolen to pay for other bills. That was a direct result of congress and had nothing to do with the viability of SS as an agency.
Exactly how is DNC supposed to even TRY to balance the budget when Repubs control all three branches of government now that Trump has bought all three?
You think Repubs are doing such a great job at actual governess? Are you like totally ignoring the absolute fact the national debt is 21 tril and growing as a direct result of the Trump tax bill. The incoming money is less than the outgoing money by a trillion dollars a year. Who would have known?
Like I said, repubs must think we are all so stupid we can't add 2 and 2.
If repubs win next week we won't have ANYTHING, the country will continue to advance the national debt to the point where nobody on the planet will continue to carry us with new loans and the word on the street is that debt will be more like FIFTY trillion in ten years.
You ok with that?
@sonhouse saidYou cannot tackle all of these problems at once.
The tax cut didn't effect middle class AT ALL, in fact makes it more because they eliminated the deduction for state income taxes. You might think you are in some kind of a fantasy world but the REAL world clearly screws the middle class and that is not even taking into considerations long term survivability of SS and such.
Besides, SS would have been fine if the SS coffers ...[text shortened]... word on the street is that debt will be more like FIFTY trillion in ten years.
You ok with that?
I will start by focusing on border control. This issues directly relates to the exponentially growing deficit. Just ask Harry Reid back in 1993, or was he lying?
As for state income taxes, this only effects blue states who have outrageous taxes. The system has allowed people to get out of paying for these taxes, up till Trump. Trump is using it to pour salt in the wounds of blue states who keep screaming for higher taxes, and laughing while doing it.
As for Social Security, we are in full agreement. Both parties are complicit in theft, and there are not checks and balances in place to stop them.
Why then defend such a system?
@whodey saidWHY? Are you daft? It bothers you not a bit that literally millions of American citizens are 100% dependent on SS and medicare? and the pre-existing condition part of ACA will be out the window if repubs continue their screw the people agenda?
You cannot tackle all of these problems at once.
I will start by focusing on border control. This issues directly relates to the exponentially growing deficit. Just ask Harry Reid back in 1993, or was he lying?
As for state income taxes, this only effects blue states who have outrageous taxes. The system has allowed people to get out of paying for these taxes, up till ...[text shortened]... heft, and there are not checks and balances in place to stop them.
Why then defend such a system?
ALL the REAL countries around the world have pre-existing condition acceptability to their medical programs. Only the US cares so little for the common folk they kill that possibility. For repubs, money is the ONLY thing to think about and NOTHING else. They care less about the plight of common folk.
Do you seriously doubt that?
So you go to the doc, and he says, yes, you are sick. Sorry, we can't help you, you are sick.
@sonhouse saidAll health care systems have their problems, and yes, that includes socialized medicine.
WHY? Are you daft? It bothers you not a bit that literally millions of American citizens are 100% dependent on SS and medicare? and the pre-existing condition part of ACA will be out the window if repubs continue their screw the people agenda?
ALL the REAL countries around the world have pre-existing condition acceptability to their medical programs. Only the US cares so l ...[text shortened]... at?
So you go to the doc, and he says, yes, you are sick. Sorry, we can't help you, you are sick.
There is no utopia
And yes, people from socialized health care come to the US for treatment as well. You should ask yourself why instead of trying to take away those options by making all countries embrace the same system.
Now please ignore what I said and watch this. It will return you to your bubble and put a smile on your face.
@whodey saidOh, and raising taxes won't make up for the money these programs will require to be funded.
In case you had not noticed, the DNC is not offering to balance budgets. No, they want free health care and college.
Oh, and raising taxes won't make up for the money these programs will require to be funded.
And they think people like you are stupid?
Well...............what would you think?
As for health care and social security, etc., it matters lit ...[text shortened]... em the more the US will become like Greece. All you can hope for is having the GOP to blame for it.
So how do all the others do it?
@sonhouse saidWhat a bunch of lying hypocrites, a bunch of them saying in TV ads 'we will ALWAYS protect pre-existing conditions for medical care' but at the same time a LOT of court cases where they are trying to stop exactly that.
What a bunch of lying hypocrites, a bunch of them saying in TV ads
'we will ALWAYS protect pre-existing conditions for medical care' but at the same time a LOT of court cases where they are trying to stop exactly that.
The obvious motivation for that is they 1, don't give a damn about the plight of actual people, and 2, they have to cover their sorry asses from the di ...[text shortened]... st tradition we used to have called 'checks and balances' in our government?
Gone with the wind.
Yes, I know. The sad thing is, Trump followers simply swallow their lies, hook, line, and sinker, without bothering to find out if they are lying or not. If Trump and the GOP told their followers the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd believe that too.
@mchill saidThe tax cut had nothing to do with tax cuts, that was not the agenda. The agenda is to kill SS, Medicare and such since they knew in advance the deficit and national debt punched through 21 trillion. Deliberate so they could use the excuse we have to come up with ways to draw down that terrible debt and the only way we can think of is to kill SS and medicare and EPA and the like.
What a bunch of lying hypocrites, a bunch of them saying in TV ads 'we will ALWAYS protect pre-existing conditions for medical care' but at the same time a LOT of court cases where they are trying to stop exactly that.
Yes, I know. The sad thing is, Trump followers simply swallow their lies, hook, line, and sinker, without bothering to find out if they are lying or not ...[text shortened]... p and the GOP told their followers the sky is orange and the grass is pink, they'd believe that too.
THAT is the true agenda of these republican bastards.