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Republicans, now an enemy country.

Republicans, now an enemy country.



Take the Newsom recount.

YESTERDAY they start screaming fraud EVEN BEFORE THE VOTES.

And that would be because they are not longer Americans.

They are TRUMPITES through and through and he has THOUROGHLY programmed them to HATE the US, and hate democracy itself.

Hey all you ultrarightwingnuts, prove me wrong.

But what actually WILL happen here is

Wow, Sonhouse really needs his meds.

That kind of argument just proves how much of an enemy republicans really are.



The republicans have been on a slippery slope way before trump.
As soon as Raygun got into bed with the fringe Christians in the early 80’s, they’ve been slip-sliding down the piste of paranoid intellectual failure and moral gullibility.

trump is nothing more than the cherry on the cake.


@shavixmir said
The republicans have been on a slippery slope way before trump.
As soon as Raygun got into bed with the fringe Christians in the early 80’s, they’ve been slip-sliding down the piste of paranoid intellectual failure and moral gullibility.

trump is nothing more than the cherry on the cake.
I still wonder why you think that. I really do. I’ve never gotten it. Is it because everything that happened with the horrible Afgha problem, the Americans left in hell, is all unquestionably Trump’s fault?


@averagejoe1 said
I still wonder why you think that. I really do. I’ve never gotten it. Is it because everything that happened with the horrible Afgha problem, the Americans left in hell, is all unquestionably Trump’s fault?
From gerimandering, to the wars, to the insane debates about abortions, gun-loving, anti-gay, anti-drugs, you name it… the republicans have been increasingly extreme and fringe (compared to the rest of the world) on most topics for decades.

But trump’s narcissism was the twist that really knocked the lid off the bottle of whacko.
Because of his disorder, he cannot (in his own eyes) fail at anything. And this leads to constant blatent lying. And because he’s in the public eye, it is all recorded. So every stupid remark, every untruth and every single lie is on camera or audio. For all to see.

And because Americans in general hold their supreme commander in general high regard, you got a form of complience to the lies which is uncomfortable to watch.
Added with trump’s advisors forced into selling his ever changing message, it became a farce.

This mingled with the already deteriorating state of republicans supporters’ grasp of modern reality, fed by lunatic right-wing news groups, and you got an extremist message, based on lies and misinformation, fed by paranoia creating own realities, corruption and mind-numbingly obvious problems within your society.

That is why I call trump the cherry on the fruitcake of republican politics.

Just take a moment to step back and look at the world stage.
Do GOP politics and morality stand closer to European mainstream politics, or do they align more with Taliban morals and ethics?

When you realise this simple comparison, you will get an awkward cramp in your stomach. And trump is the little cherry on top of that.

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What he said.

Average: Trump caused the LATEST set of political crises.
You choose to ignore his basic racism but you claim to be an X white nationalist so it is easy to see how Trump captured you.

You choose to ignore his abject failure to confront Covid head on.

Instead, ignoring and actually downplaying the pandemic, take bleach, maybe put UV up your butt.

Making that really bad deal with the Taliban, letting go FIVE THOUSAND of their best fighters held in prison.

Yeah, that REALLY scared those war weary fighters....

You choose to ignore the payments to Stormy and others just a few weeks before being selected GOP candidate.

You choose to ignore the fake trip down the escalator where the supposedly worshiping crowd were all paid actors who didn't even really know what the scene was all about, just give me my fifty bucks.

Or how about his real Godfatherly gesture throwing paper towels at the crowd.

Instead of graciously accepting defeat, we will fight harder next time, NO, he goes TEN YEARS AGO If I lose, it is a rigged election and now that BS has infected HORDES of stupid repubs taking his clue, which has the result of maybe the US not being a democracy anymore.

THAT IS THE WORSE FAILURE OF TRUMP. All the rest, not THAT big a deal, but crushing democracy itself, A LINE TOO FAR.


@shavixmir said
From gerimandering, to the wars, to the insane debates about abortions, gun-loving, anti-gay, anti-drugs, you name it… the republicans have been increasingly extreme and fringe (compared to the rest of the world) on most topics for decades.

But trump’s narcissism was the twist that really knocked the lid off the bottle of whacko.
Because of his disorder, he cannot (in h ...[text shortened]... rison, you will get an awkward cramp in your stomach. And trump is the little cherry on top of that.
Are you saying the state of Afghan mess is Trump's fault? If my wife is trapped n Afghanistan, I should complain to Trump....or should I complain to Biden? Just trying to get to the meat of the matter, the above required a lot of 'faith' , that all you wrote above leads to Trump....I think ...

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So you ONLY want to sidestep the actual issues.
What a shocker. I should have know better than to try 'Debating' with you.
There IS no 'debating' with you, only more and more anti democracy screes which may end up destroying democracy in the US and all you can think about is Afghanistan.

If figures, for someone announcing to the world just how average you really are.

So do you, for instance, believe Trump allowed Taliban to release 5,000 of their best fighters in prison.

You think there would be nothing wrong with that?

And that has NOTHING to do with the FACT Repubs consider themselves to be enemies of democracy.

So debate THAT.

But you won't.

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@shavixmir said
The republicans have been on a slippery slope way before trump.
As soon as Raygun got into bed with the fringe Christians in the early 80’s, they’ve been slip-sliding down the piste of paranoid intellectual failure and moral gullibility.

trump is nothing more than the cherry on the cake.
Just saw a poll today....
78% of Republicans believe that Biden didn't win the election.

As a Canadian, I would say that America is our best friend.
Sometimes it takes a best friend to ask the uncomfortable questions.....
So.....the question to our American friends ......

What the F*** is wrong with your country ??????

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@shavixmir said
From gerimandering, to the wars, to the insane debates about abortions, gun-loving, anti-gay, anti-drugs, you name it… the republicans have been increasingly extreme and fringe (compared to the rest of the world) on most topics for decades.

But trump’s narcissism was the twist that really knocked the lid off the bottle of whacko.
Because of his disorder, he cannot (in h ...[text shortened]... rison, you will get an awkward cramp in your stomach. And trump is the little cherry on top of that.
Correct. The GOP fruitcake is already in place.
Without that fruitcake, Trump would still be on network television firing Gary Busey and Boy George. 😛


@averagejoe1 said
Are you saying the state of Afghan mess is Trump's fault? If my wife is trapped n Afghanistan, I should complain to Trump....or should I complain to Biden? Just trying to get to the meat of the matter, the above required a lot of 'faith' , that all you wrote above leads to Trump....I think ...
Yes. Anyone is who is trapped in Afghanistan should direct their questions to the current administration.
But once they are all back home, hopefully safe and sound, the real question that will be asked will be "how did this "s*&t show" start.
You can rest assured that history will point a lot of fingers at Trump.

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@sonhouse - "And that would be because they are not longer Americans."

No, it's because democrat activists CHEATED, as usual


@mghrn55 said
Just saw a poll today....
78% of Republicans believe that Biden didn't win the election.

As a Canadian, I would say that America is our best friend.
Sometimes it takes a best friend to ask the uncomfortable questions.....
So.....the question to our American friends ......

What the F*** is wrong with your country ??????
You won't learn about it in the Forum. Too much emotion,,,,really. Think, that of all the problems/ debacles/fogginess of Biden, you see posters who never 'own up' to any of them. I knew way back that Trump's persona was not the best, and said it. But note' not ONE word from the many liberals here about obvious snafus and worse of Biden..... Disingenuous lot.
So, yes, all you can do is see the top news of the day, on the hour, say at 6PM eastern, watch CNN for 30 minutes, and then FOX at top of the hour, for both sides of life in the USA.
IF you want to see deeper, what we are really scared of, threatened by, listen to any of many podcasts of Mark Levin. He is on live , Sirius channel 145, at 6 PM each night. He gets a little high strung, but that is because he is scared too.
I'm scared, believe me.

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The REAL truth is you don't WANT to actually DEBATE since that would put you in the spot of not being able to come up with even ONE defense for the actions of our former Treason in chief.
I KNOW you hate actual debate, but answer me ONE question:

Do you hate democracy?

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@mghrn55 said
Yes. Anyone is who is trapped in Afghanistan should direct their questions to the current administration.
But once they are all back home, hopefully safe and sound, the real question that will be asked will be "how did this "s*&t show" start.
You can rest assured that history will point a lot of fingers at Trump.
Please be reasonable. Take Afhghan. Did Trump decide to leave armaments behind, did he call all the shots with no plan, no preparation, to leave like Biden did, over 100 moms and pops still stuck there?
Did you know the adminstration has no plan to go get them, did you know a Dem senator, John Garamendi, said yesterday that we cannot spend the money for a rescue mission, at the same moment that he voted to hire 80,000 more IRS agents to be sure the dems raise all the taxes they can? Do you see a problem here of priorities? Is this Trump.?

One of our posters mentions the 5000 released prisoners about 4 times a day, and seldom writes about the events of right now. He is quite boring and like most, just doesn't get it.


@sonhouse said
The REAL truth is you don't WANT to actually DEBATE since that would put you in the spot of not being able to come up with even ONE defense for the actions of our former Treason in chief.
I KNOW you hate actual debate, but answer me ONE question:

Do you hate democracy?
Come down, SH. We are not a democracy, so, you waste space.

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