Repubs getting ready for Coup#2:

Repubs getting ready for Coup#2:


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

Election deniers ALREADY in place to put a money wrench into our election come November.
This is NOT conspiracy theory, it is conspiracy alright, conspiracy FACT.
So the question is how big a victory would Harris have to achieve in order to FORCE those election deniers to accept her win, killing the chance to actually pull off Coup#2?

This is clearly the most important issue of the coming election.
Trump is already announcing he thinks he will win no matter WHAT the vote tally says,
Christians, you don't even NEED to vote, we are 'FIXING' it so you won't need to vote again.
That is a direct quote.

He says that BECAUSE he knows the fake elector deniers are already in place to FUUK our election no matter how many votes Harris gets, or so he thinks.

And OF COURSE the ultrarightwingnuts will deny deny deny but it is an already established FACT, the fix is in and as Americans if we really want our democracy to keep going we have to watch those bastards VERY closely, going to the elections, watching the vote count and call those creeps out when they go We cannot certify.
This is not the first go round of the anti democracy movement, it happened in the 1930's much the same way but we beat the bastards back then and hopefully we will beat THOSE creeps this time.

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