Maybe take some country where people are terribly polite and well-mannered, but one which noone will miss- say Switzerland- then tell the Swiss to piss off, which they will do, begrudgingly, as they are too polite to object, and then rename it England. Move the well-mannered English classes in, and you're away. Fork out for one Ryan Air Flight, so as to keep the cost down, and you can let Michael O'Leary sell the remaining empty seats on to minimise expense.
And that will solve most social problems you can think of.
Originally posted by sjegI wouldn't take on the Swiss if I were you - they're dead hard.
Maybe take some country where people are terribly polite and well-mannered, but one which noone will miss- say Switzerland- then tell the Swiss to piss off, which they will do, begrudgingly, as they are too polite to object, and then rename it England. Move the well-mannered English classes in, and you're away. Fork out for one Ryan Air Flight, so as to keep th ty seats on to minimise expense.
And that will solve most social problems you can think of.
Other alternatives would be to poison all McDonalds outfits (I think they're trying that anyway), erradicate street corners and get Elizibef Juke, Kappa and Burberry to incorporate tricks of death into their products, such as inwardly pointing retractable blades.
Whatever the rights or wrongs of policies like anti-social behaviour orders, Blair knows he is on strong ground with the electorate on this one.
For the non-British - an ASBO is an order imposed through a civil court, thus e.g. hearsay evidence is admissible. But breaching an ASBO is a criminal offence.
The people who tend to oppose Blair on ASBOs etc. are usually those for whom it is a purely theoretical discussion. And the charge that ASBOs victimise the working class is met by the fact that most of the victims of anti-social behaviour are working class, and strongly support tough measures on "yob culture".
Originally posted by lukemcmullanTony Blair should look to the leader of the RESPECT party, Mr George Galloway.
A couple of nights ago, BBC Newsnight put Tony Blair 'on the spot' about his new 'Respect' policies. IT seems like he was just saying the same answer to every question!
What do you think of the Respect policies?
What do you think ought to be done to remedy England's "yob culture"?
His impression of a pussy cat lapping milk out of Rula Lenska's hands on tonight show was hilarious.
However watching it you did wonder how young people will ever take politicians seriously.
Originally posted by sjegwhy not export the yobs, instead?
Maybe take some country where people are terribly polite and well-mannered, but one which noone will miss- say Switzerland- then tell the Swiss to piss off, which they will do, begrudgingly, as they are too polite to object, and then rename it England. Move the well-mannered English classes in, and you're away. Fork out for one Ryan Air Flight, so as to keep th ...[text shortened]... ty seats on to minimise expense.
And that will solve most social problems you can think of.
Originally posted by shavixmirFrom the Labour Party website:
Can you name a couple of these respect policies, so we can judge them?
Properties from hell
• Labour wants to give the police new powers to close properties from hell - whether it’s abusive neighbours, gangs hanging around outside, late night parties and loud music- or shops that persistently allow the selling of alcohol to children.
Tackling anti-social behaviour
• Labour is proposing to increase the use of on-the-spot fines. These fixed penalty notices enable police, Community Safety Officers and council officers to fine people for littering, drunkenness, noise pollution or disorder.
• We want to issue parenting orders to parents who persistently fail to give their children the guidance and authority figures they need by giving support to change things and sanctions if they don’t.
Problem families and truancy
• Labour is proposing to use round-the-clock supervision for families who blight communities with yobbish behaviour.
• We want to work with organisations to create programmes that inspire and engage young people and give consistent messages about what is and what is not acceptable behaviour.
• Labour is recommending that we deal with families that don’t make their children attend school.
Sounds like Tony wants to be everybody's "Big Brother".
Originally posted by no1marauderYou know the UK has more CCTV cameras than anywhere else in the world other than North Korea?! Scary but true....
From the Labour Party website:
Properties from hell
• Labour wants to give the police new powers to close properties from hell - whether it’s abusive neighbours, gangs hanging around outside, late night parties and loud music- or shops that persistently allow the selling of alcohol to children.
Tackling anti-social behaviour
• Labour is ...[text shortened]... children attend school.
Sounds like Tony wants to be everybody's "Big Brother".
look who's next ...
"French Official Details Bold Reform Vision
Sarkozy says the French economic model no longer works; he champions strong policing and tougher immigration controls; he opposes Turkey's aspirations to join the European Union; he says France must adjust its secular foundations to better integrate its 5 million Muslims.