Ron Paul was rebuffed for suggesting a 2% reduction in spending. Think of it, 2% is draconian according to the democrats and some Republicans.
This country is screwed and once it all blows up and we start eating out of garbage cans like they are in Venezuela, guess who the socialist brown shirts will blame? You guessed it, capitalism and the GOP and most importantly, Trump.
@whodey saidThey have no intention of reducing spending. That is why the corporate news media pays no attention to our debt problem. It is only a problem for the lower and middle class.
Ron Paul was rebuffed for suggesting a 2% reduction in spending. Think of it, 2% is draconian according to the democrats and some Republicans.
This country is screwed and once it all blows up and we start eating out of garbage cans like they are in Venezuela, guess who the so ...[text shortened]... ialist brown shirts will blame? You guessed it, capitalism and the GOP and most importantly, Trump.
that is why the establishment is using the democrats to push a carbon tax. Instead of telling people they have to pay more taxes to pay the interest on the debt and risking them getting outraged that nothing was done about it, they want to scare people into accepting a carbon tax before they realize they have been sold into economic slavery.
@whodey saidWhodey, stop with the lying.
Ron Paul was rebuffed for suggesting a 2% reduction in spending. Think of it, 2% is draconian according to the democrats and some Republicans.
This country is screwed and once it all blows up and we start eating out of garbage cans like they are in Venezuela, guess who the so ...[text shortened]... ialist brown shirts will blame? You guessed it, capitalism and the GOP and most importantly, Trump.
The Sturmabteilung (lit. 'Storm Detachment' ), AKA the 'Brownshirts', were Nazis, and therefore fascist, not socialist. It strikes me that they would blame today's Republican Party, for being marshmallows and not being extremist enough.
@whodey saidThey could cut back on military spending.
Ron Paul was rebuffed for suggesting a 2% reduction in spending. Think of it, 2% is draconian according to the democrats and some Republicans.
This country is screwed and once it all blows up and we start eating out of garbage cans like they are in Venezuela, guess who the so ...[text shortened]... ialist brown shirts will blame? You guessed it, capitalism and the GOP and most importantly, Trump.
Should be pretty easy to get your 2% reduction on that alone.
It isn’t enough to create a rampant gun culture in the US.
You have to create a global weapons culture too.
@zahlanzi saidYes, the Obama led democrats did reinstitute the Bush tax cuts.
Funny how this hypocrite had no problem voting for the tax cuts for the rich.
But that is what Americans love. Free everything and no higher taxes. That's why Americans love both parties so.
@anderssen saidShouldn't the National Socialists finish fixing Venezuela and North Korea first?
Don't worry guys...
The socialists will fix everything. 🤗
Warren 2020 😆
You have a party that loves to spend on social programs and another that loves to spend on the military more than is justified unless the goal is to invade more countries.
Both major political parties are dead end roads and the Republicans didn't want Ron Paul for president. Republicans are not fiscally conservative.
@whodey saidThey would have by now, hadn't they been stopped by the Sowjet union and their allies.
Shouldn't the National Socialists finish fixing Venezuela and North Korea first?
@whodey saidAs far as the socialists are concerned, they are fixed.
Shouldn't the National Socialists finish fixing Venezuela and North Korea first?
It's the American economy that needs fixing, according to the libs
You mean like how Trump's tariff wars are really building up the US economy? Tell us again what planet you live on?