Ummm i think science is more sound the just having faith, just look at the porblems the church had with keppler galileo and capernicus, church say god dreated the earth and in doing so put it in the middle of the universe, and when that was proven untrue well at least the orbit it perfectly circular, nope, well the earth it self is a perfect sphere, wrong again, I think simple minds tend to just believe the unexplainable and attak those who seek an explination as being one sided.
Originally posted by bbarrEven supernaturalistic events, miracles, magic etc..would have to work to some sort of universal laws, therefore its a case of science unexplained. 😕
This just shows your bias against supernaturalistic explanations. You are in the grip of the dogmas of "science" and "evidence".
Originally posted by PhlabibitThat happens here in SOuth Texas All the time!!!! Every portrait of Jesus and statue of Mary is always bursting into tears. Then thousands of people go to that house or church to see or touch it, and leave a sizable donation.
Several statues of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary in an Australian hall have apparently begun weeping and bleeding rose oil, prompting the Catholic Church to launch an investigation, a church official said on Tuesday.
I'll start by saying 'probably not'.
People also see images of Jesus in pizzas, on the floor, in windows, shadows, and tortillas.
Originally posted by kirksey957Thanks Kirk, I attribute my success to divine providence. I'll have to come up with some other explanation for my upcoming losses. Perhaps my opponents prayed harder than I did, or perhaps I have angered Christ almighty in some way, or perhaps Satan is testing my faith, it's difficult to tell.
Ande just look at your earthly reward! You are now numeral uno. Congratulations, Bennett.
Originally posted by Jay PeateaThis is just question-begging dogmatism on your part. Unless you fancy being cast into a lake of fire, you'd best throw off your bankrupt science worship and accept Christ almighty as both Lord, Savior, and ultimate explanation for all phenomena. After all, who made those universal laws of which you speak?
Even supernaturalistic events, miracles, magic etc..would have to work to some sort of universal laws, therefore its a case of science unexplained. 😕