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Rut Ro


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Looks the Clinton Camp helped fund the Russian witch hunt.

Now let me think, is paying Russian to smear Trump with the accusation of him colluding with the Russians actually colluding with the Russians?

Na, I'm sure there was no intent.

No wonder Hillary had a nervous break down when she lost.

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Congress is now opening an investigation into why the Clinton/Obama regime gave away about 20% of US uranium to the Russians.

Oh goody, more reasons to form committees and sling poo cuz that is all that ever happens in DC.

Does this mean that Obama and Hilary will have to flee and move in with their buddy Harvey Weinstein and Roman Palansky in Europe?

If so, that could make for an interesting reality show.


It is pathetic how these lefties have their heads so far up their politicians' rears that they can't handle this kind of news.

Mchill, vivfy and the like simply can't admit to Democrats who are crooks.

Yes Suzi, you are one too. I know how much you love reading my posts so I didn't want you to feel left out.


Originally posted by @eladar
It is pathetic how these lefties have their heads so far up their politicians' rears that they can't handle this kind of news.

Mchill, vivfy and the like simply can't admit to Democrats who are crooks.

Yes Suzi, you are one too. I know how much you love reading my posts so I didn't want you to feel left out.
What’s surprising is that you seem to think that the criminality of the republicans is somewhat diminished if other parties are crooks too.


Originally posted by @shavixmir
What’s surprising is that you seem to think that the criminality of the republicans is somewhat diminished if other parties are crooks too.
No, I think many Republicans need to be thrown in jail as well.


Originally posted by @shavixmir
What’s surprising is that you seem to think that the criminality of the republicans is somewhat diminished if other parties are crooks too.
It's not a matter of what we believe, it's a matter of the facts.

We now have facts that Hillary colluded with the Russians to sink trump during the election.

Now get out there and show us proof that Trump did likewise!


Originally posted by @whodey
Now let me think, is paying Russian to smear Trump with the accusation of him colluding with the Russians actually colluding with the Russians?
The article doesn't say Clinton colluded with Russians. Why do you have to be corrected so often on what your own article says?


Originally posted by @whodey
It's not a matter of what we believe, it's a matter of the facts.

We now have facts that Hillary colluded with the Russians to sink trump during the election.

Now get out there and show us proof that Trump did likewise!
No, we don't have evidence "Hillary colluded with the Russians". We have evidence she helped fund an investigation in Donald colluding with Russians. Get your facts right.


Honestly, repeatedly posting such blatant lies should be something that gets you banned from RHP.

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Originally posted by @eladar
It is pathetic how these lefties have their heads so far up their politicians' rears that they can't handle this kind of news.

Mchill, vivfy and the like simply can't admit to Democrats who are crooks.

Yes Suzi, you are one too. I know how much you love reading my posts so I didn't want you to feel left out.
Sorry, I need to go take a shower now.

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Originally posted by @vivify
No, we don't have evidence "Hillary colluded with the Russians". We have evidence she helped fund an investigation in Donald colluding with Russians. Get your facts right.
You beat me to it.

Only on Fox News, where they actually thought her emails were a big deal, is anyone caring about this. It's a total non-story.


Originally posted by @eladar
It is pathetic how these lefties have their heads so far up their politicians' rears that they can't handle this kind of news.

Mchill, vivfy and the like simply can't admit to Democrats who are crooks. .
You do realize out of anyone on this site who voted against Trump, I was the most vocal opponent of Hillary, right? Even Whodey will vouch for the fact that I constantly attacked her for being a crook, even after she won the Democratic nomination.

As much as it will make you feel better to make false claims about your opponents on this site, it doesn't change that your claims are lies.

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Originally posted by @vivify
Honestly, repeatedly posting such blatant lies should be something that gets you banned from RHP.
Right, Hillary was paying someone else to work with the Russians finding dirt on Trump.

Thanks for that.

I would imagine that your utopia may soon unfold once the left begins to lose more and more control by banning all voices of opposition.

Let me guess, you are free to continue to make accusations against Trump that are virtually baseless as well and still not get banned.

Got it!


Originally posted by @whodey
It's not a matter of what we believe, it's a matter of the facts.

We now have facts that Hillary colluded with the Russians to sink trump during the election.

Now get out there and show us proof that Trump did likewise!
Well, first of all; as others have pointed out, you don’t have those facts.
Which basically makes everything else you write just complete and utter garbage.

But, I do feel I should point out: I love Trump.
I think the Americans got the president they deserve. And I’m constantly laughing my pants off because of him.

I couldn’t care less if he colluded with the Russians or turned out to be a V-esque alien lizard.
What I keep pointing out is that he’s a type-2 narcissist. And that’s something YOU should be worried about.

The man’s a liability and he’s destroyed any remnants of respect the US had abroad. He’s turned the US into a comedy show and the laughing stock of the world.


Originally posted by @shavixmir
Well, first of all; as others have pointed out, you don’t have those facts.
Which basically makes everything else you write just complete and utter garbage.

But, I do feel I should point out: I love Trump.
I think the Americans got the president they deserve. And I’m constantly laughing my pants off because of him.

I couldn’t care less if he coll ...[text shortened]... ct the US had abroad. He’s turned the US into a comedy show and the laughing stock of the world.
If Trump colluded with the Russians?

I thought you had the facts?

I'm sure Congress would love to hear those facts, so won't you share them, or are you lying?

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