The thing that worries me with all this is that the Libyan people will have no call with regard to whether Saif is tried, if he makes it that far. The Zintan militia have him in custody, salted away in the mountains SW of Tripoli, 'until a new government is elected'...the interim PM was due to announce his prospective cabinet on sunday BUT, behind the scenes there have been deals offered and cut as to the conditions Saif is released under. The Zintan are vehement opponents of the Misurata militia ( probably the most violent fighting of the civil war took place there and they believe they are deserved of a big slice of the pie ), they've clashed many times and killings have taken place even days ago..however, the heads of both militia have formed an uneasy pact as both oppose the NTC ( EDIT: they both more than merely dislike the former Al Qaeda 'oppo' swanning it over Tripoli's militia cum army ), one with the demand of becoming head of the new Army and the other insisting a certain captive is worth the Defence ministers job !! There are so many militia heavily armed, 'some' more interested in settling old tribal scores during the civil war. I give one instance, the Jabu militia took great credit for negotiating \ clearing vast swathes of southern parts of Libyan Gaddifi support, almost bloodless. They were duly asked to negotiate a peace for the second great Gaddifi stronghold of Bani Walid. This they engaged for days and days, only until yet another few thousand militia from Zawiyah showed up with the specific interest of wiping their old Bani Walid tribal enemies off the map...and this they did a thorough job of, even though Saif made it out of there alive.
From Bani Walid, Saif has survived another month, the inter tribal fighting will continue long after any decisions are made, no one faction trusts the other to disarm so the status quo inevitable ..but Saif may not make it through next tuesday..I can only hope the ICC, and international pressure, sees him get the trial he deserves ...
Is nobody following this, Abdullah al-Sanussi arrested an hour ago, Gaddafi's Intelligence chief. A man responsible for perhaps 1000 deaths in a Tripoli prison camp, 90's, and many more during the civil war due to his employing of mercenaries to terrorise the people.
The Gaddafi regime is finished, the term new democratic government, and of the militia, is another story...