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sales tax instead of income tax

sales tax instead of income tax


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What does everyone think? Is it a good idea? It seems like it would be a much better system of taxation. Certainly it would be easier to implement.

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Originally posted by dryhump
What does everyone think? Is it a good idea? It seems like it would be a much better system of taxation. Certainly it would be easier to implement.
If it was up to me, Id have sales tax only, no income tax! no property tax, etc.

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Don't give them any more taxing ideas please. PLEASE!!! :'(

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Based in the US. South Carolina to be specific. They have sales tax locally and per state, but no national sales tax. It seems like replacing income tax with sales tax could cut down on beuracracy (spelling?) and it would tax everyone more fairly. People beneath the poverty line could be given tax exempt status.

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So you all want new taxes eh? How about a tax for subscribers on RHP? Of course, those who don't buy a subscription, (you know, the free loaders like myself), should receive some of the tax proceeds from the rich subscribers. You know, it is another form of redistribution of wealth. Its seems to be a hip, popular theme now days. In fact, we are told it is the key to all our current financial woes.

I'm just waiting to be taxed for the air I breath. Don't laugh because most service stations charge you to put in air for your tires now days.

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Originally posted by dryhump
What does everyone think? Is it a good idea? It seems like it would be a much better system of taxation. Certainly it would be easier to implement.
Dude we already pay 9% sales tax in my state, plus the state wants more at the end of the year on top of what my federal taxes are. Actually the state wants a LOT more end of year taxes than federal. Sucks.

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No wonder people sell drugs.

You keep your hard earned profits. 100% yours.

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Since I am not a particularly high earner, I prefer income tax to sales tax. Generally sales tax taxes the poor the most and income tax taxes the rich the most.

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A sales tax does benefit the rich because they spend a lesser percentage of their income.

If I were to replace the income tax I would do it with import taxes to help keep jobs here. Luxury items should also be taxed because only the rich buy them. Cannabis should be legalized and taxed because it has never killed anybody and people are going to smoke it anyway. A higher gas tax is an option as well. The key word here is "replace". Plenty of politicians would like to add new taxes to existing taxes. Nobody wants additional taxes.

The income tax is inefficient. One third of all revenues are lost to people who don't file. Offshore bank accounts keep the big banks from paying anything in a lot of cases. All sorts of loopholes are built into the system so the super wealthy don't pay taxes.

The Rockefellers don't have to pay taxes. They consider themselves kings. Kings don't pay taxes, they collect them.

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I was referring to a sales tax replacing the income tax. Not a sales tax plus the income tax. I also wrote that poor folks would be given exempt status. That would be opposite of what we have now where rich folks are exempt through loopholes.

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Originally posted by dryhump
What does everyone think? Is it a good idea? It seems like it would be a much better system of taxation. Certainly it would be easier to implement.
Unfortunately, politicians can't ever seem to let go of a tax, even if (and, probably, especially if) a fairer tax system is in the offing. Where income and sales taxes already exist, you're not going to eliminate one.

In Oregon we have no sales tax. We're not likely to get one, either: Since 1910, the closest a 'yes' vote has ever gotten on a sales tax is about 30%. I think it's a safe bet that there will not be a sales tax here in my lifetime.

Hooray for us! (And I'm going with income tax instead of sales tax 😛)

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the tax that everyone seems to hate is the property tax -- at least that seems to be the case in New Jersey.

school districts in affluent communities can collect more of this tax because the property is highly valued -- the poorest districts get a lot of money directly from the state -- and the districts in between have to make a lot of hard choices and envy all the money going to the affluent and poor districts.

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Originally posted by dryhump
What does everyone think? Is it a good idea? It seems like it would be a much better system of taxation. Certainly it would be easier to implement.
Absolutely, 30% sales tax across the board, tax all of the cheaters. Great Idea!!!

Drug dealers then would have to pay extra, illegals would then pay thier fair share, and all of the tax dodgers can't hide behind shelters. Oh and that would mean no free $6000 dollar tax refunds for those who spit babies out like there is no tomorrow.

I think this would be a good beginning for taking care of the illegal alien problems as well, also shut down the IRS.

Then no more state or federal taxes, or property taxes!!!

The rich will pay more on what they spend and so will the poor, Fairness for all.

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