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Santos no worse than Biden?

Santos no worse than Biden?



Santos said so.


Why no comparisons to Biden from the corporate news media?


@metal-brain said
Santos said so.



Why no comparisons to Biden from the corporate news media?
Personally, I think Santos should be banned expelled, and probably even do some time having lied to the American people to our detriment.. How simple as that. Average Joe loves simple.
This logic also applies to Joe Biden, who has ruined this country like Santo’s presence could ruin our country. There is no difference.
By the way, everyone know that this war against Trump will bring with it revenge as we go after the Biden family. Just new fodder for the Forum. Each guy has made his bed, and we get to jawbone about it..


@metal-brain said
Santos said so.



Why no comparisons to Biden from the corporate news media?
Well, if Santos said it we should believe him. No reason not to.


You are an exceptionally high order ASSSHOLE.
Take a look at the bills Biden has introduced and signed into law.

Take a look at similar bills your god king X45 put in to place.

Like the infrastructure bill, your god king OWNED the house and senate and could not get that one passed but you would not have known that watching only Faux news which tells us they are NOT a news organization but an entertainment channel.


@averagejoe1 said
Personally, I think Santos should be banned expelled, and probably even do some time having lied to the American people to our detriment.. How simple as that. Average Joe loves simple.
This logic also applies to Joe Biden, who has ruined this country like Santo’s presence could ruin our country. There is no difference.
By the way, everyone know that this war aga ...[text shortened]... n family. Just new fodder for the Forum. Each guy has made his bed, and we get to jawbone about it..
I respect your consistency. Both should be equally held responsible for their lies.


@sonhouse said
You are an exceptionally high order ASSSHOLE.
Take a look at the bills Biden has introduced and signed into law.

Take a look at similar bills your god king X45 put in to place.

Like the infrastructure bill, your god king OWNED the house and senate and could not get that one passed but you would not have known that watching only Faux news which tells us they are NOT a news organization but an entertainment channel.
so by your logic we should give santos a chance to see if he has good things in store for us?

BTW…biden and company is looting this country


@sonhouse said
You are an exceptionally high order ASSSHOLE.
Take a look at the bills Biden has introduced and signed into law.

Take a look at similar bills your god king X45 put in to place.

Like the infrastructure bill, your god king OWNED the house and senate and could not get that one passed but you would not have known that watching only Faux news which tells us they are NOT a news organization but an entertainment channel.
Oh yeah?!??!!!
I can give you 10 reasons it is a crap bill. Check back, I have to think ‘em up. Hell, states are supposed to handle their own problems anyway what has pthe federal government got to do with it?


LOOTING this country. So the new money law is putting 1.7 trillion into the budget. Did you maybe even EVER think about what the total amount of money the US generates? Some TWENTY TIMES THAT you POS so it it only about 5% of the total or maybe 8% or so.

Yeah, just spending ourselves into the ground.

But OF COURSE you never figured out the part where the bill was passed BIPARTISAN which is what BIDEN is good at and TRUMP WORHTLESS.
Trump wants to be EMPORER not POTUS and wants to be the final decider as to what goes where when he actually even thinks about which he doesn't, more interested, MUCH MUCH more interested in projecting himself as a business genius when now we know why he fought so hard to keep his tax returns from going public which every other POTUS since NIXON has done without question.

Now we know one fact Trump tried DESPARATELY to hide, he is NOT worth even CLOSE to the 10 billion he claimed and even that is dumb since the REAL billionaires are closing in on 200 billion so in that world he would be a piker but that is another story.
He is MAYBE worth a billion, maybe not even that much AND his tax returns have revealed him to having lost one hundred MILLION a year for TEN years.
Hardly the sign of a business genius and the only reason he didn't go down or was down at the end of those ten years was daddy giving him about a half BILLION to prop up his idiot sense of business.

But on Santos, he is trying to out right Trump since Trump taught them ALL how to corrupt the government bigly.

His political stunt of kidnapping innocent immigrants and carting them off to Martha's vinyard when the folks involved had no idea where they were going and the asssholes who sent them told them they were going to Boston but only after they were in the air and even THAT was a lie.
They were kidnapped AND lied to and dropped off with no notification to the folks in Boston.
This is what you want as a POTUS?

But like I said, he got his training from your god king X45 who taught HUNDREDS of leaders his idea of governing.
Don't govern, just react, kill your political enemies, help out your buddies, you know, the ones who kiss the bosses ring, be loyal to ME not the constitution which is EXACLY what X45 said in effect to all the demands for personal loyalty.
Yep, a WONDERFUL way to govern.,


This thread is about Santos and Biden.


@metal-brain said
This thread is about Santos and Biden.
That feller will Shanghai a thread, trump is so done, don’t you know. Wouldn’t mind it so much if weren,t like quicksand. Aaarrrgggh


@averagejoe1 said
Oh yeah?!??!!!
I can give you 10 reasons it is a crap bill. Check back, I have to think ‘em up. Hell, states are supposed to handle their own problems anyway what has pthe federal government got to do with it?
Here are some reasons . Only 25% of the money is for what most Americans consider infrastructure, like winding roads and repairing bridges.
The bill is the new green deal in disguise. More money goes for welfare programs wind and solar transmission lines than highways etc.
Billions of dollars for electric charging stations. I don’t recall the federal government building gasoline stations. Why do you liberals not get the irony of all of this. Why the difference, Sonhouse
There is no infrastructure funding crisis that requires $1 trillion more in federal spending. Federal outlays on the infrastructure adjusted for inflation over the last 20 years has nearly doubled. Throwing federal dollars at the problem won’t fix the potholes and make bridges safer.
The bill is a giveaway to the unions, and will make transportation projects much more expensive.
It excludes the Keystone XL pipeline, Sonhouse. That project is free. It doesn’t cost us a penny and President Biden killed it. But he approved a pipeline from Siberia Russia to Germany. This is not putting America first. Do you think that Biden puts America first, Sonhouse?


@sonhouse said
LOOTING this country. So the new money law is putting 1.7 trillion into the budget. Did you maybe even EVER think about what the total amount of money the US generates? Some TWENTY TIMES THAT you POS so it it only about 5% of the total or maybe 8% or so.

Yeah, just spending ourselves into the ground.

But OF COURSE you never figured out the part where ...[text shortened]... Y what X45 said in effect to all the demands for personal loyalty.
Yep, a WONDERFUL way to govern.,
“ Trump wants to be EMPORER not POTUS ”

what is an “EMPORER” ?



@mott-the-hoople said
“ Trump wants to be EMPORER not POTUS ”

what is an “EMPORER” ?

Sonhouse never closes his points, like ignoring our $32T debt. Shame on him. He closes his opinions on Trump well, though, I guess, I never can tell.

3 edits

@sonhouse said
LOOTING this country. So the new money law is putting 1.7 trillion into the budget. Did you maybe even EVER think about what the total amount of money the US generates? Some TWENTY TIMES THAT you POS so it it only about 5% of the total or maybe 8% or so.

Yeah, just spending ourselves into the ground.

But OF COURSE you never figured out the part where ...[text shortened]... Y what X45 said in effect to all the demands for personal loyalty.
Yep, a WONDERFUL way to govern.,
$570.61 B has been collected by the US govt this fiscal year. We have debt over$32Trillion. ,!!!And the $570 billion is hardly enough just to keep us running for that year, much less pay down the debt..
Oh , Sonhouse, Trump has wrecked your brain. One little factoid like that certainly dilutes posts such as this.

Edit: I noticed your last sentence, above, the wonderful way to govern. Do you think it is a wonderful way to govern to allow the southern border of a country like the USA to disintegrate?
Everyone, there is only one answer to this question, yet Sonhouse will not choose to say it, much like the marauder.


@averagejoe1 said
$570.61 B has been collected by the US govt this fiscal year. We have debt over$32Trillion. ,!!!And the $570 billion is hardly enough just to keep us running for that year, much less pay down the debt..
Oh , Sonhouse, Trump has wrecked your brain. One little factoid like that certainly dilutes posts such as this.

Edit: I noticed your last sentence, above, the wo ...[text shortened]... is only one answer to this question, yet Sonhouse will not choose to say it, much like the marauder.
Where are you, son house. Stand up and take it like a man.!!!!!!

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