John Boehner compared Ted Cruz to Satan, and now Satanists are hopping mad.
Boehner said that he can't stand Cruz and no one in Washington likes him, but at the same time, he seemed to endorse his golfing buddy Donald Trump.
Originally posted by whodeyYes, apparently Satanists think the comparison gives the devil a bad name and that people should be honest and admit that Cruz is Christian and everything you might hate about him is because he is Christian.
John Boehner compared Ted Cruz to Satan, and now Satanists are hopping mad.
30 Apr 16
Originally posted by whodeySeemingly even Republican party officials don't like him and call him evil.
Is Ted Cruz really this evil?
Is it the same as being compared to Hitler or worse?
Trump is oppertunistic. Satan, say what you will about the lad, isn't oppertunistic; no, he's got a Godly plan he's carrying out.
So, in the grander scheme of things, I presume that one could say that Cruz is not fulfilling God's ultimate plan anymore than I am, and that comparing him to Lucifer is the same as comparing my bowel movement to Jesus.
The only thing that would make it funnier was if Satan really did appear, shaking his head in despair and rapping: "it isn't me!"