This will have far reaching effects if they say POTUS has supreme power.
I imagine the result will be along party lines which means Trump is now a dictator.
The idea there is Trump can shoot someone on 5th avenue and the cops can not only not arrest him, if he has an AR15 with a 100 round mag they cannot even stop him from shooting and killing dozens of people for get one dude getting it with a 38 special.
This is what is at stake. The fundamental nature of the presidency.
AND suppose he GETS that power and then loses come November.
Can he then use that power to arrest congress and just take over in a military coup?
Or if not and he goes quietly (which probably will NOT happen)
and a democrat (Biden?) is now POTUS, and now HE also has infinite powers, what would SCOTUS and congress do about that now that the shoe would be on the other foot......
So you are ok with a sociopath and narcissistic POTUS with a hidden treasure trove of crimes in his financial records, like how many billions he already got from Russia or the Mafia, all that is just FINE, just what you want in a president.
SCREW all that morality crap, right? Who needs a POTUS to be a moral leader anyway? We want one who will NUKE China.
Which is one reason NOT to actually assassinate tRUMP. Let his story be told by his lack of empathy and his corruption instead.
The really sad part is millions of Americans thinking he can do no wrong and no matter WHAT the tax returns show, fraud pretty much 100% certain, no matter, he will still be their god king.
Oh no, that would have been the work of the DEVIL.
Then not only would we lose a king, we would be making a SAINT.
All this goes to show is how hypocritical the Evangelicals are to be supporting an evil man like Trump. They think because he claims to want to kill Roe V Wade, he MUST be a saint.
If they were 100% FOR Roe V Wade, I give you three guesses as to what his persona would be showing there and the first two don't count.