@mott-the-hoople saidSessions can't stop Judges from doing anything; he can just whine and cry when they rule against his DOJ and the wannabe dictator con man in the White House.
its about time!!!
And that's all he is doing. So here's a: 😢 for him.
16 Oct 18
@no1marauder saidhe can have it done! You seem to forget who is running the show now.
Sessions can't stop Judges from doing anything; he can just whine and cry when they rule against his DOJ and the wannabe dictator con man in the White House.
And that's all he is doing. So here's a: 😢 for him.
16 Oct 18
@mott-the-hoople saidPutin?
he can have it done! You seem to forget who is running the show now.
@mott-the-hoople saidHave it done?
he can have it done! You seem to forget who is running the show now.
@mott-the-hoople saidMOTT thinks he knows more about the law than a lawyer.
he can have it done! You seem to forget who is running the show now.
You really do live in your own little world, don't you Mott? 😵