... The stories started last year when Representative Ralph Samuels told me about going into a meeting, he thought would be private, with Governor Sarah Palin. Much to his surprise, Todd Palin was there and proceeded to sit through the entire meeting.
Other lawmakers have shared similar stories and were shocked at how inappropriate Todd's presence was at meetings with the governor. ...
... Last month, a group of Alaskans filed a freedom of information act for emails sent from the computers of both Frank Bailey and Ivey Frye. ... emails that were not released due to "Deliberative Process and Executive Privilege". ...
The serious concern about these emails is that they were prohibited from being released to the public due to executive privilege, even though Todd Palin was copied on these same emails. Todd Palin is not a member of the executive branch, nor is he even a government employee. Todd Palin is a member of the general public.