@shavixmir saidI have heard that he also unloads some rather severe gas while napping away.
Says trump… who then constantly falls asleep in public…
God damn… what a shyte show.
I really don't get why millions adore this guy.
@shavixmir saidFor the 1st time in decades, he's in a place where he doesn't get to make all the rules. That cold, stark courtroom is a really scary place for Donald. He knows he's in real trouble. It's impossible for him to refute or intimidate that documentation, his voice on the recording, and his signature on those checks. Despite the makeup and expensive suits, he looks old and worried as he's forced to listen to so many of his former staff members testifying as to his many illegal acts - and that carefully crafted hair combover is looking less and less convincing.
Says trump… who then constantly falls asleep in public…
God damn… what a shyte show.
Think on your sins Donald. π
@mchill saidin court for a non existent crime…while the world and US is in turmoil…hitler had followers too…
For the 1st time in decades, he's in a place where he doesn't get to make all the rules. That cold, stark courtroom is a really scary place for Donald. He knows he's in real trouble. It's impossible for him to refute or intimidate that documentation, his voice on the recording, and his signature on those checks. Despite the makeup and expensive suits, he looks old and worried ...[text shortened]... refully crafted hair combover is looking less and less convincing.
Think on your sins Donald. π
rave on d sucker..think on YOUR sins!
@mott-the-hoople saidWhat's the name for the syndrome that compels you to defend trump from every tiny bit of criticism?
every human in the world passes gas…it’s tds thinking on your part.
@mott-the-hoople saidYou cons who have been conned all have the same BS story... no crime.
in court for a non existent crime…while the world and US is in turmoil…hitler had followers too…
rave on d sucker..think on YOUR sins!
Yeah, nope, that ain't flying with normal people.
We all know that Trump and fraud are synonymous.
@mott-the-hoople saidYour TDS, thinking of him as an actual human being, is far worse.
every human in the world passes gas…it’s tds thinking on your part.
@wildgrass saidIt's their own form of TDS.
What's the name for the syndrome that compels you to defend trump from every tiny bit of criticism?
@wildgrass saidGullibility.
What's the name for the syndrome that compels you to defend trump from every tiny bit of criticism?