Originally posted by scoffs2001Well, obviously second-hand smoke has a lot to do with it.
as a long term smoker i am becoming sick to the high teeth of being made to feel like a leper. there is no doubt it is a bad habit with deadly consequences but im a hopeless addict now as are millions of other people and i am fed up with non smoking planes, trains, buses, eateries etc and think more allowances should be made for us. after all, we pay considerably more in taxes than non smokers. thank you, tony.
I just don't think its fair that others health should suffer just because you're addicted to something. If you want to smoke, go outside I don't want all that crud in my lungs. And I doubt anyone else does.
And the reason you can't smoke on planes is because if you dropped that cigarette, you'd be toasted.
Originally posted by scoffs2001I'm not sure you do pay more in taxes than the rest of us. You might be paying more tax at any given time, but non-smokers live longer, so I'd imagine it levels out over a life-time.
as a long term smoker i am becoming sick to the high teeth of being made to feel like a leper. there is no doubt it is a bad habit with deadly consequences but im a hopeless addict now as are millions of other people and i am fed up with non smoking planes, trains, buses, eateries etc and think more allowances should be made for us. after all, we pay considerably more in taxes than non smokers. thank you, tony.
I'd prefer, though, if it was the tobacco companies who were penalised rather than their victims. These scum make millions from getting people hooked on a product which is proven to be lethal. If we weren't living in a society obsessed by profit, that just wouldn't be tolerated.
Why don't smokers just buy a gun and kill themselves? It's a lot faster and less expensive than buying cigarettes. Smoking is DISGUSTING. Maybe smokers don't realize how bad their breath stinks, or how yellow their teeth get. Or how bad their clothes smell. Or how they're killing everyone around them, slowly.
45 reasons why you shouldn't smoke.
1. Cigarettes have nicotine in them.
2. Nicotne is a drug that is as addictive as cocaine and heroine.
3. Nicotine is a poison.
4. One drop of pure nicotine could kill a full grown adult.
5. Cigarette SMOKE has more than 4,000 chemicals in it.
6. Nicotine can increase your heart rate and blood pressure.
7. 40 of the chemicals in cigarettes can cause cancer.
8. Cigarettes contain carbon monoxide (car exhaust).
9. Other chemicals in cigarettes include ammonia (used to clean toilets) and arsenic (rat poison).
10. Smoking is the number 1 preventable cause of death in the US.
11. Smoking causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and strokes.
12. Smokers as young as 18 show signs of heart disease.
13. Studies show that smokers loose 7 minutes of their life every time they smoke a cigarette.
14. More than 434,000 Americans die each year because of tobacco.
15. Smoking cause 87% of all lung cancer.
16. More people die from tobacco related illness than from AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined.
17. Tobacco companies spend $16 million every day to advertise cigarettes.
18. Tobacco ads are often aimed at people my age.
19. 80% of smokers started before they were 18.
20. 43% of people who smoke 3 cigarettes become addicted.
21. If you don't start under the age of 18, chances are you'll never start.
22. 88% of teens don't smoke.
23. Ever notice how tobacco companies always implie that models are smoking, but the cigarette never touches their mouth?
24. Tobacco can cause bad breath, yellow teeth, and clothes that smell like an ashtray.
25. Tobacco companies often sponsor sporting events while none of the athletes smoke.
26. Two thirds of all smokers will die because of cigarettes.
27. You can hurt other people when you smoke.
28. 2nd hand smoke kills 53,000 people every year.
29. A pack a day habit costs over $1000 dollars every year.
30. Smoking during pregnancy increases the chances of having a misscarriage.
31. Babies whoes parents smoke are seven times more likely do die from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
32. Children of parents who smoke have more colds, flu, ear infections, and asthma.
33. Cigarette butts are the number one source of pollution at the beaches.
34. Cigars and chewing tobacco contain the same cancer causing chemicals as cigarettes.
35. Because of their size, smoking one cigar is like smoke 10 cigarettes.
36. Cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to suffer from cancer of the throat, larynx, and esophagus than nonsmokers.
37. Smokeless tobacco can cause mouth cancer.
38. Smokeless tobacco can slow couse tongue and throat cancer.
39. About 70% of people who smoke wish they could quit.
40. Smoking damages the 4 parts of your lungs that carry oxygen to your heart.
41. Teens who smoke cough and wheeze 5 times more than nonsmokers.
42. Smoking can cause shortness of breath which can make it hard to participate in sports.
43. Within days of quiting smoking, a smokers taste and smell returns to normal.
44. Five to 10 years after quiting smoking, a smokers risk of heart disease and lung cancer returns to that of a nonsmoker.
45. If they could do it over 80% of smokers said they would have never started.
Originally posted by scoffs2001Tony , do you see any contradiciton in the post you offered on smoking and the post you offered on obesity? Even the most objective person might see it as hipocritical.
as a long term smoker i am becoming sick to the high teeth of being made to feel like a leper. there is no doubt it is a bad habit with deadly consequences but im a hopeless addict now as are millions of other people and i am fed up with non smoking planes, trains, buses, eateries etc and think more allowances should be made for us. after all, we pay considerably more in taxes than non smokers. thank you, tony.
Originally posted by kirksey957It could quite possibly be by design that he posted these contradictory
Tony , do you see any contradiciton in the post you offered on smoking and the post you offered on obesity? Even the most objective person might see it as hipocritical.
stances. If so, I admire it, as it is a great application of one of my
favorite tactics.
It could be that the poster is trying to point out hypocrisy in society,
which has two classes of people, smokers and the overweight. Both
classes are a danger to themselves and inconvenience others. The
government strictly regulates one but not the other.
Given a few assumptions, like either the obese are that way by
self-neglect or smokers can't quit, then this is a very insightful
approach to highlighting this contradiciton in society. His claim
might just be that either both groups or neither should be regulated,
but the government should not arbitrarily pick only one.
Dr. Cribs
P.S. To elaborate on the tactic I refer to, in case people
would like to try it out on different issues...
Suppose there are two mutually-inconsistent claims, A and B.
Some people support A, some support B. Suppose further that
A and B are not even obviously related, so you will never get
proponents of A to debate with proponents of B. What you can
do, though, is to play devil's advocate against A in one debate,
devil's advocate against B in another, after which you will
probably have a set of statements that A and B disagree about.
At that point, you have a debate between A and B which will
show that one or both of A and B are wrong.
Here, we have A=The Government should regulate smokers.
And B=The government should not regulate the obese. Obviously,
A and B have no direct debate between themselves, but applying
the above tactic would create one, which is necessary for revealing
that you cannot have both A and B.
Originally posted by CribsThe obvious difference is that while smokers and the overweight may be a "danger to themselves and an inconvenience to others", ony smokers are a danger to others. Secondhand smoke is a danger to all who come into contact with it. There are no secondhand calories permeating the atmosphere.
It could quite possibly be by design that he posted these contradictory
stances. If so, I admire it, as it is a great application of one of my
favorite tactics.
It could be that the poster is trying to point out hypocrisy in society,
which has two classes of people, smokers and the overweight. Both
classes are a danger to themselves and inconvenienc ...[text shortened]... ve tactic would create one, which is necessary for revealing
that you cannot have both A and B.
Originally posted by rwingettI wasn't supporting the hypothetical claim, just trying to
The obvious difference is that while smokers and the overweight may be a "danger to themselves and an inconvenience to others", ony smokers are a danger to others. Secondhand smoke is a danger to all who come into contact with it. There are no secondhand calories permeating the atmosphere.
elucidate it, if in fact it even exists. As I said, several
assumptions would be required to pursue it.
One could conceivably make a case for the obese
being a potential danger to others. I rember a case
from the news in the past year, although I have no
reference to it, in which an airplane passenger suffered
broken bones due to being crushed by an obese person
sitting next to her during turbulence. As I recall,
she got a large sum of money through a settlement or
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by scoffs2001Aren't you same guy who wants to keep fat-assed people out of the burger joints? Aren't we being a little hypocritical?
as a long term smoker i am becoming sick to the high teeth of being made to feel like a leper. there is no doubt it is a bad habit with deadly consequences but im a hopeless addict now as are millions of other people and i am fed up with non smoking planes, trains, buses, eateries etc and think more allowances should be made for us. after all, we pay considerably more in taxes than non smokers. thank you, tony.
Originally posted by scoffs2001To quote the late, but ultimately very, very, very great Bill Hicks:
as a long term smoker i am becoming sick to the high teeth of being made to feel like a leper. there is no doubt it is a bad habit with deadly consequences but im a hopeless addict now as are millions of other people and i am fed up with non smoking planes, trains, buses, eateries etc and think more allowances should be made for us. after all, we pay considerably more in taxes than non smokers. thank you, tony.
"You non-smokers are the single largest reason I keep on smoking. I'm scared shitless I'll end up like one of you. You bunch of whining, hypocritical, sanctamonious, pains in the asses."
*sigh* I wish I were a smoker.