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Sniggly Questions

Sniggly Questions


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Why did God reject Green? And cast all that color
as a reflected waste product back at us
as something as menial and mundane
as beauty?

When did we wake from the dream? And cast about for reason
as a remembered waste product of life
as it was presented to us to endure
as best we can?

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Why does my dog love me?

She is 82 years old now. And loves me.


Am I so deserving of that pure innocent love?

I don't know.

I dread her dying. Dead. What will I do? Will I have to tell the guy to kill her while I hold her and cry?


That's just exactly,

Like life.

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And Why does my daughters cat love me?

Does she?

She is very silent on the issue.

A mystery of the relationships that God has arranged for all men.

To be known by none.

But she purrs.

Can I wonder less at that apparent love?

Perhaps not. So I sleep.

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Why do I remember my grandma and her poems?

And her guiding me into acting the part of "Otto Frank" as a freshman?

How old men feel. How parents love. How Otto lead the Hannakah prayer with love and dignity. What the menorrah is. And what the candles mean.

I was but a child in a play. She was old. Wise. Knowing. A nuns life of learning all in her past. And a family beyond her failing as a nun.

Beloved. My grandma. Now gone. Oh that I had payed her what was due. I can't now.

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So you young kids.

Tell us about your grandparents and how you really honor them.

Tell us about your worldly strength and how invulnerable you are.

Really. Does anyone besides me have any "snigglies"?

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Maybe your not only tired and drunk in the early hours of the morning but also stoned ?

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Originally posted by STANG
Maybe your not only tired and drunk in the early hours of the morning but also stoned ?
Not since the mid seventies. That stuff makes you stupid. I can do that all on my own thanks.

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Another sniggly question.

When was it written that when one grows old, one loses his ability to relate to kids whot wander on about this and that and always assume that their wanderings are important to old farts like me?

Have you no sense of ... proper being?

Explain this minute what and who all these silly new things and games and such are!

Just kidding. Actually, I have to program a whole bunch of new stuff for my "salespersons" to use each day.

That said. Ahem.

It ain't easy getting old. How many of you kids under forty have called your grandparents this past month?

I'll tell you. Not many. Did you ever ask them about their grandparents?

Thought not.


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And another sniggly.

I once had a body that was worth looking at.

I ruined it with hard work. Or what I didn't ruin, time destroyed.

So you young vain things... enjoy. while and if you can. Your day is coming. Sorry.

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