30 Jan 24
@averagejoe1 saidDoes this mean that people who spend 3o years smoking heroic amounts of marijuana vote trump?
I am really confused, I thought that y'all had said....oh, never mind.
Damn! fascists, racists, incels, morons and now junkies. trump has really cornered a market!
@shavixmir saidHate conservatives? People who believe in independence and self-sufficiency? Odd that a man, or a hair-bun man for that matter, would be OK with the more liberal class who have a needy, parasitic bent. Brrrrrrr
Nothing what I wrote is racist.
Not that I'd care one way or another. I fukking hate most people, peoples, religious peoples, conservatives... I'm sure there's deep rooted racism, classism, sexism and elitism in there somewhere.
Would you rather be in a foxhole with Adam Schiff, or with Arnold Schwartzenegger? This will be a real pillow-chewing moment for you. No need to respond, as we know dern well which it would be.
@averagejoe1 saidBabbling again.
Hate conservatives? People who believe in independence and self-sufficiency? Odd that a man, or a hair-bun man for that matter, would be OK with the more liberal class who have a needy, parasitic bent. Brrrrrrr
Would you rather be in a foxhole with Adam Schiff, or with Arnold Schwartzenegger? This will be a real pillow-chewing moment for you. No need to respond, as we know dern well which it would be.
I only hate conservatives if they vote or voice their opinions. Otherwise I’m perfectly fine fukking their corpses and then feeding them to the swines.
30 Jan 24
@jj-adams saidLike tons of YouTube videos exposing the Trump grift machine and lying bozo he is and yet to the MAGA faithful only he can save America?
Ton of youtube videos and news articles about blacks/hispanics switching to Trump and the Republican party. I'd post a few, but the usual crowd here would just refuse to watch them and call them fake or whatever.
What does that tell you about people?
@jj-adams saidThis reminds of the time zahlooney bamboozle started a thread about a semi-known hispanic celebrity who came out in support of Trump. Zahlooney for Brains couldn't understand how Hispanic people were all individuals with their own thoughts, values and motivations, they should all think as one i.e. we got a peek under zahlooneys skirt and he exposed his dangling, usually suppressed, racism.
Ton of youtube videos and news articles about blacks/hispanics switching to Trump and the Republican party. I'd post a few, but the usual crowd here would just refuse to watch them and call them fake or whatever.
30 Jan 24
@wajoma saidIndividuals with their own thoughts?.? Of course they don’t understand. Think, they are so lock step(Never One cross word about Biden? Not one?) that it is obvious, their insecurity. Ha, let’s discuss the thoughts, values and motivations of our strong independent forum members. What do they want?
This reminds of the time zahlooney bamboozle started a thread about a semi-known hispanic celebrity who came out in support of Trump. Zahlooney for Brains couldn't understand how Hispanic people were all individuals with their own thoughts, values and motivations, they should all think as one i.e. we got a peek under zahlooneys skirt and he exposed his dangling, usually suppressed, racism.
@shavixmir saidIt's racist to say bad things about Snoop Dogg because he is an African American.
Uh… why’s that racist?
You should be familiar with a democrat tactic. They use this one a lot.