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Snuppy and Animal Abuse .....

Snuppy and Animal Abuse .....


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S Korea unveils first dog clone

Scientists in South Korea have produced the first dog clones, they report in Nature magazine this week.
One of the puppies died soon after birth but the other, an Afghan hound named Snuppy, is still doing well after 16 weeks, the researchers say.

Snuppy joins a host of other cloned animals including Dolly the sheep, CC the cat and Ralph the rat.

Scientists hope dog clones will help them understand and treat a range of serious human diseases.

"The dog has characteristics similar to human beings," lead researcher Woo Suk Hwang of Soul National University, South Korea, told the BBC. "Some of their diseases are almost the same as human diseases.

"So [dog clones] could be very valuable in finding technologies useful for curing human diseases. This is our main research call."

Tricky process

Snuppy, whose name stands for Seoul National University puppy, was made from a cell taken from the ear of a three-year-old male Afghan hound.

Scientists took the genetic material from the ear cell and placed it into an empty egg cell. This egg was then stimulated to start dividing and develop into an embryo.

Once growing, it was transferred to Snuppy's surrogate mother, a yellow labrador. The Afghan pup was born by caesarean section after a full 60 days of pregnancy.

Cloning dogs is notoriously difficult
Although many other animals have been successfully cloned, dogs are notoriously difficult: the South Korean team only obtained three pregnancies from more than 1,000 embryo transfers into 123 recipients.

Of these, one miscarried and one died soon after birth; only Snuppy remains.

The hairy puppy, like other cloned animals, is generating a flurry of interest around the world.

Some people are concerned about the ethical implications of this research.

"Canine cloning runs contrary to the Kennel Club's objective 'To promote in every way the general improvement of dogs'," Phil Buckley, spokesman for the Kennel Club told the BBC News website. "Cloning cannot be used to make improvements because the technique simply produces genetic replicas of existing dogs.

"Also, will these cloned dogs end up being used in the laboratory? That opens a whole new can of worms."

Moral concerns

Dr Freda Scott-Park, President Elect of the British Veterinary Association, is concerned about the likely reaction of dog lovers.

"This report demonstrates just how fast the world of genetic manipulation is moving and no one should underestimate the far-reaching consequences of this work," she said.

"Sadly however, the media interest is likely to attract pet owners keen to re-create their much loved pets.

"No one can deny that techniques that advance our understanding of diseases and their therapy are to be encouraged. But cloning of animals raises many ethical and moral issues that have still to be properly debated within the profession."

However, another member of the cloning team, Dr Gerald Schatten from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, US, said they are not in the business of cloning pets.

"The overall objective of this programme is to learn about the root causes of diseases," he told the BBC. "We believe it is possible, if you can responsibly develop the ability to derive stem cells from cloned dog embryos, that our very best friends may turn out to be the first beneficiaries of stem cell medicine.

"And as we treat naturally occurring diseases in dogs, we'll learn about whether it is effective in our pets and we'll also learn whether it's safe and effective for our loved ones."


"So [dog clones] could be very valuable in finding technologies useful for curing human diseases. This is our main research call."

Curing human diseases ..... that's what they always say to sell this kind of research to the public ...... main research call ......and what are the other calls ?


"Also, will these cloned dogs end up being used in the laboratory? That opens a whole new can of worms."

I thought we were trying to protect animals from scientific abuse, but apparently we are willing to forget all about it if we can "serve science", whatever that means.


What are your thoughts on this issue ?

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Koreans cloning dogs. Where's the punchline, ivanhoe?

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Sounds like they plan to feed the North.

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Sounds like a wonderful idea to me. What exactly are you afraid of Ivanhoe? What is it about cloning that causes so many people to freak out?

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Does this mean I can get my pot-bellied elephant?

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Originally posted by wib
Sounds like a wonderful idea to me. What exactly are you afraid of Ivanhoe? What is it about cloning that causes so many people to freak out?
997 dog embryos were killed for God's sake; after all they are fully dog life from conception on. This is mass caninecide; what next? Why people will be killing AND eating animals if such sick "research" is allowed to continue!

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Originally posted by no1marauder
997 dog embryos were killed for God's sake; after all they are fully dog life from conception on. This is mass caninecide; what next? Why people will be killing AND eating animals if such sick "research" is allowed to continue!
LOL! Poor Ivanhoe.

Seriously Ivan, or anyone else, what's the problem with cloning? I personally would like to have a clone. It'd be nice to know there's someone out there with compatible organs I can harvest when I need them.

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Originally posted by wib
LOL! Poor Ivanhoe.

Seriously Ivan, or anyone else, what's the problem with cloning? I personally would like to have a clone. It'd be nice to know there's someone out there with compatible organs I can harvest when I need them.
And it's this thinking that begs the question of creating yet another slave race. A whole race of lesser humans (clones) created to serve as organ donation? And the cycle begins all over again. Any living entity will fight and strive for freedom and equality.

Cloning dogs for reaserch is one thing. I'm fine with this, although there are plenty of unwanted, perfectly good lab dogs being put to sleep every day all over the world. What's wrong with using these dogs?

As for cloning beloved pets, get real. As I've said, go to the local SPCA, there's an overload of unwanted animals as it is. If there was a threat of extinction to the overall mutt species this would make alot more sense.

Why not use what's already there first?

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Originally posted by mokko
And it's this thinking that begs the question of creating yet another slave race. A whole race of lesser humans (clones) created to serve as organ donation? And the cycle begins all over again. Any living entity will fight and strive for freedom and equality.

Cloning dogs for reaserch is one thing. I'm fine with this, although there are plenty of unwante ...[text shortened]... rall mutt species this would make alot more sense.

Why not use what's already there first?
Well my comment was made in jest, but is your concern really that we, the American people, will create a "slave race"?

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Originally posted by wib
Well my comment was made in jest, but is your concern really that we, the American people, will create a "slave race"?
That's not a bad idea; I could double my number of games!

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If cloning dogs and other animals saves just one human life, then I say it's a good thing.

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Originally posted by wib
Well my comment was made in jest, but is your concern really that we, the American people, will create a "slave race"?
Did I say anything about america? No, just that if humans begin cloning humans for the continuation of our own lives via organ transplants ect, eventually the "clones" would gain an innate desire for equality and freedom. They would essentially be a slave race.

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Originally posted by Nyxie
If cloning dogs and other animals saves just one human life, then I say it's a good thing.
So what's wrong with using already living dogs, cats. mice, chimps ect to save human life? Why the need to clone more when there's already an abundance of them to use?

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Originally posted by mokko
Did I say anything about america? No, just that if humans begin cloning humans for the continuation of our own lives via organ transplants ect, eventually the "clones" would gain an innate desire for equality and freedom. They would essentially be a slave race.
Ok, let's forget about America. The only reason I picked America is because we've already been down the "slave race" road and that turned out pretty ugly. Hence the reason no American would tolerate even a discussion of that type of policy, much less the implementation of it.

We shouldn't dismiss a new technology, such as cloning, just because of the harm it could *potentially* do. Our society would never advance if that were the case. We'd still be living in mud huts and figuring out how to make fire if we dismissed technology without experimenting and finding out what it could do for us.

I do agree with your point about the animals though. But I don't think the plan there is to simply make more animals. That serves no purpose.

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Originally posted by wib
LOL! Poor Ivanhoe.

Seriously Ivan, or anyone else, what's the problem with cloning? I personally would like to have a clone. It'd be nice to know there's someone out there with compatible organs I can harvest when I need them.
He's probably thinking the same thing too 🙂

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