The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.
America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.
Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.
@shavixmir saidI read the definition of socialism. Do you have a diff definition, you idiots? Last summer i sent my daughter to France to study for the summer. You will not be able to do that if AOC (forget Biden) wins in November.
Considering most Americans don’t even know what socialism is, I presume you’re referring to the right-wing and alt media which constantly propogate a false rhetoric on the subject; mainly to create a paranoid fear of the abstract.
Ahhh, i see now don't care. OK,off to the factory with your daughter. Brrrr
@averagejoe1 saidYou can't do that NOW because Trump's screwup of the COVID has led to the EU blocking Americans from coming in to France.
I read the definition of socialism. Do you have a diff definition, you idiots? Last summer i sent my daughter to France to study for the summer. You will not be able to do that if AOC (forget Biden) wins in November.
Ahhh, i see now don't care. OK,off to the factory with your daughter. Brrrr
@mchill saidAnd don't forget how Socialism is necessary every 10 years or so to bail out Capitalism . I got into an argument with a lawyer on Facebook about what Socialism really is . After I called him too illiterate to comprehend the subject , I discovered he is a judge . He abandoned the argument shortly after , lol .
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form ...[text shortened]... /commentisfree/2020/mar/03/why-are-americans-warming-to-socialism-because-capitalism-has-failed-them
@averagejoe1 saidYou may have read it, however, reading what you write about it, you obviously didn’t comprehend the definition.
I read the definition of socialism. Do you have a diff definition, you idiots? Last summer i sent my daughter to France to study for the summer. You will not be able to do that if AOC (forget Biden) wins in November.
Ahhh, i see now don't care. OK,off to the factory with your daughter. Brrrr