What Marilyn Monroe stood for 50 years ago is now passe.
People should proactively work on the negatives of today's society like opioid pandemic, homelessness, and let the icon rest.
So Covid 19 is just another blip? Quarter million dead in the US and now 12 MILLION infected.
@sonhouse saidAre you some kind of fooking idiot?
So Covid 19 is just another blip? Quarter million dead in the US and now 12 MILLION infected.
do you just want to fight all the time you fooking idiot
You gave your list of 'negatives' but did not include the deadly C19.
It just seemed like you were going by Trump's ignoring of C19.
It seems to me C19 is far and away more immediate than the list you gave.
@great-king-rat saidPeople are very whiny at the moment.
The feminists, the conservatives, the religionists. Their continued disdain for a modern, open society is baffling and the support they’re getting even more so.
And I mean: everyone seems to have turned into a bloody snowflake.
Ohhhh... that statue is objectifying women...
Ohhhh... is there any place left for heterosexual white men...
Ohhhh... that joke is racist and oppresses me and you can’t judge how I feel about it...
Ohhhh... women don’t want to have sex with me....
Whine, whine, whine.
People need to grow some balls.
Oooohhh... shav... that’s sexist, as if metaphorical testicles is solely a man’s perogative...
Well. Okay... people need to grow some vaginal flaps!
Ohhhh... shav... that’s genital appropration...
Seriously. Whine. Whine. Whine.
I don’t care about all your bloody sensitivities.
Is someone shooting at you?
Do you have food on your table?
There you go. Relax and shut up. Stop whining.
@sonhouse saidFirst of all, who says my examples has to be a complete list of human ills??? This is a post, not a research paper.
You gave your list of 'negatives' but did not include the deadly C19.
It just seemed like you were going by Trump's ignoring of C19.
It seems to me C19 is far and away more immediate than the list you gave.
C19 is nothing humans created. I do not hold humans liable, it is not on the list. *my* list.
humans created the opioid pandemic, homelessness, all that chit. We are to blame, we should fix it el pronto, or try
@cheesemaster saidThat is not whining.
Technically you are whining right now too 🤔
That is aggressively telling people like you to shut up.