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Sorry and Correction

Sorry and Correction


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Sorry if I affend anyone, but that doesn't really bother me, because Jesus is the only way to Eternal Life.

And thanks in advance for all the future spelling Correction. When you give them I will just repost, take care and God Bless. Jesus Loves You.

And by the way I am going to win my first Tournament on this site. Praise God.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Sorry if I affend anyone, but that doesn't really bother me, because Jesus is the only way to Eternal Life.

And thanks in advance for all the future spelling Correction. When you give them I will just repost, take care and God Bless. Jesus Loves You.
Wat happenededeed?

If that doesn't bother you, does that mean you are Not Sorry?


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I agree. If it doesn't bother you, then you certainly can't be sorry. But it seems obvious that you are sorry. Does that mean you are not loving Jesus enough?

Oh, by the by, why was it again that makes you think the Bible is the Word of God? I'm sorry if you've explained before. If you have I missed it. Could you explain this for me?

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Originally posted by thesonofsaul
I agree. If it doesn't bother you, then you certainly can't be sorry. But it seems obvious that you are sorry. Does that mean you are not loving Jesus enough?

Oh, by the by, why was it again that makes you think the Bible is the Word of God? I'm sorry if you've explained before. If you have I missed it. Could you explain this for me?

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What makes it the word of God is by having God's Spirit reavel the truth to you. The Bible is hard to understand Yes, but theSpirit of God is what helps you see the truth in it. And what makes it the word is That Crhist rose from the Grave, He Concored Death.

Did you mean by the way not by the by. See that is wow people should correct people.

No truly I am only sorry for my daily sins. Because Christian or not everyone sins daily. That is way Jesus said take up your Cross daily. That means to follow Him and out your trust in Him and no one else.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Sorry if I affend anyone,
That's okay, RB.

First correction: It's not 'affend', it's 'effend'


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Originally posted by RBHILL
Sorry if I affend anyone, but that doesn't really bother me, because Jesus is the only way to Eternal Life.

And thanks in advance for all the future spelling Correction. When you give them I will just repost, take care and God Bless. Jesus Loves You.

And by the way I am going to win my first Tournament on this site. Praise God.
I'm actually going to break my silence on not posting on religious threads anymore to address this:

This is probably the most insincere thread I have read to date.

Sorry if I affend anyone, but that doesn't really bother me, because Jesus is the only way to Eternal Life.

You "affend" everyone because there is no room in the world that believe any different from you or Blindfaith101. There is no tolerance or acceptance. You post these statments you regard as important and you believe everyone else is supposed to feel the same way. You don't care about anyone else's beliefs or feelings. You don't even listen to others. You just grab your favorite scripture quote and keep forcefeeding everyone.

But I think the most insincere part of your post is your praise of God for your first tournament. You are actually delusional enough that your god cares if you win some stupid online chess tournament because you pray. You are like the rap musician or the wide receiver who "praises god" when they excel in their field. What about the tsunami victims? What about some of the 9/11 victims? If you can contemplate that some of these poor people were not christian or any religious denomination, do you actually think god was punishing them? Do you think because you pray you get some special priviledge in life to win chess tournaments? Do you think your life is actually more "charmed" than somebody elses?

And I bet you probably think if any of these victims were, God forbid, homosexual they had what was coming to them, right? I can already imagine your unimaginative response already as I am sure nothing I have written will have any effect on you. I just find your "Praise of God" for winning your first Tournament repulsive.

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Originally posted by darvlay
That's okay, RB.

First correction: It's not 'affend', it's 'effend'

I can't believe you'd be so dishonest as to tell RBHILL the wrong spelling.

RBHILL, don't listen to him, the word is 'uffend'.

Also, it's 'revel', not 'reavel'.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
What makes it the word of God is by having God's Spirit reavel the truth to you. The Bible is hard to understand Yes, but theSpirit of God is what helps you see the truth in it. And what makes it the word is That Crhist rose from the Grave, He Concored Death.

Did you mean by the way not by the by. See that is wow people should correct people.

No truly ...[text shortened]... id take up your Cross daily. That means to follow Him and out your trust in Him and no one else.
"By the by" is a common colloquialism.

Why is "The Spirit of God" limited to the Bible? I say "The Spirit of God" can reveal the "Truth" in a collection of Emily Dickenson poems or [U] The Great Gatsby[/U] by Fitzgerald. He can reveal the truth in an action movie or the back of a bag of dog chow if that is what it takes. Why do you limit God so? What makes you think you have God cornered in your little book just because your Papa told you that is the way things are? What makes you think you can control God by "understanding" the Bible? You don't understand anything. You allow other people to tell you what you understand, and you sit back and take it because you don't think yourself capable of understanding for yourself. If you have any doubt you squash it. If you ever have an independant thought that no one ever told you was in the Bible then you throw it out the window.

You say with one corner of your mouth that there are no rules, yet you say out of the other corner that you must accept Christ as the savior of your sins (whatever that means, I can't imaging anyone saving sins) which is evidence of a solid action and reward structure. No action can save you from your sins, including accepting Christ as your Savior. If Christ is you savior, you should not let is affect you in the slightest, you should continue being truly sorry for your sins, which I don't think you are to begin with, and God will do the judging. To believe that you are singled out and saved is a conciet, that is an excessively positive rating of your own value, and a sin in itself. The only way that makes perfect spiritual sense is to assume you are going to Hell and feel sorry for your sins because you are TRULY SORRY, not because you are accepted into heaven because you are. Forget about heaven.

I am also sorry for my sins. I sin every day as we all do. I sinned just now by letting my anger get the best of me, but I won't delete it because there is a possibility that you can look between the lines of this text and see the True Word of God, written in the language that can never be captured by mere human text.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
I can't believe you'd be so dishonest as to tell RBHILL the wrong spelling.

RBHILL, don't listen to him, the word is 'uffend'.

Also, it's 'revel', not 'reavel'.
Are you calling me a liar? That's an effense I surely won't allow.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
I can't believe you'd be so dishonest as to tell RBHILL the wrong spelling.

RBHILL, don't listen to him, the word is 'uffend'.

Also, it's 'revel', not 'reavel'.
no it's reveal

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Originally posted by Joe Fist
I'm actually going to break my silence on not posting on religious threads anymore to address this:

This is probably the most insincere thread I have read to date.

[b]Sorry if I affend anyone, but that doesn't really bother me, bec ...[text shortened]... "Praise of God" for winning your first Tournament repulsive.

The Bible says to give God the Glory.

And it is not accepted becasue the Bible says that Wide is the Gate that leads to distruction and narrow is the Gate that leads to eternal life and few find it.

Beinging a Christian is not easy. But The Bible says you MUST be born again so if, they were not at 9/11 they are in hell.

And the Bible says it rains on the just and unjust.

God only justifies by faith.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
no it's reveal
Are you saying you know more about revelry than an unsaved person?

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Originally posted by RBHILL
The Bible says to give God the Glory.

And it is not accepted becasue the Bible says that Wide is the Gate that leads to distruction and narrow is the Gate that leads to eternal life and few find it.

Beinging a Christian is not easy. Bu ...[text shortened]... rains on the just and unjust.

God only justifies by faith.
3 edits, yet you still have 3 spelling errors....

Definitely K-Mart… Definitely! Judge Wapner…


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
3 edits, yet you still have 3 spelling errors....

Definitely K-Mart… Definitely! Judge Wapner…

I bet you'd see him walking in K-mart drinking a cup of gravy.......

Here is RBHILL's website.. http://glen25286.tripod.com/

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Are you saying you know more about revelry than an unsaved person?
The word reveal as when someone shows you something.

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