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Spelling Prayer:  Hinderances to RBHILL

Spelling Prayer: Hinderances to RBHILL


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Dear God,

You have blessed me with the ability to correctly spell, but
my brother in Christ, RBHILL, has not been so blessed. You
have given him a perpetual drive for evangelism, yet he could
do so much more of your work if you would but grant him the
wisdom to memorize a weekly spelling list, or put it on his heart
to obtain a copy of an English dictionary to keep by his side,
under the Bible of course, to consult when discussing our weekly
Bible Studies. We would all benefit to such a greater degree, if
this be your will. I pray that you release Brother Hill from the
demons of dyslexia that have been plaguing him, and equip him
fully to spread your Word as your only son Jesus spread it so many
years ago.

In his name,

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DR Scribs - You sure know how to stop a party .

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Originally posted by Moldy Crow
DR Scribs - You sure know how to stop a party .
Say what? Fool, you must be out yo' mind!
I keep a party rockin' like I rock yo' mom's behind.
This party's never stoppin' cuz I be tha mastermind
Who's always here to get us through tha daily Bible grind.

Tha Doctor's in tha hizzle, every night and every day
I'll keep dis forum hoppin' till they lock my ass away.
Oh wait, they already did, but that don't matter anyway
Cuz I be back, defyin' bans, tha Doctor's here to stay.

Don't make me call you out, sucka, don't you even dare.
I'll call yo' moms out too, right out her nasty underwear.
Don't you doubt my party skillz cuz I'll throw 'em in yo' face.
Now, who's tha G that keeps tha Debates tha bouncin' party place?

Dr. S

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Say what? Fool, you must be out yo' mind!
I keep a party rockin' like I rock yo' mom's behind.
This party's never stoppin' cuz I be tha mastermind
Who's always here to get us through tha daily Bible grind.

Tha Doctor's in tha hizzle, every night and every day
I'll keep dis forum hoppin' till they lock my ass away.
Oh wait, they alr ...[text shortened]... 'em in yo' face.
Now, who's tha G that keeps tha Debates tha bouncin' party place?

Dr. S
I am sad because when I reached the final verse my first thought when reading this was "hey this doesn't scan right".

Or maybe I'm reading it wrong. Dr S should record himself rapping these.
Or maybe they would be funnier if said in a British upper-class accent as poetry. Experiments are required.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Say what? Fool, you must be out yo' mind!
I keep a party rockin' like I rock yo' mom's behind.
This party's never stoppin' cuz I be tha mastermind
Who's always here to get us through tha daily Bible grind.

Tha Doctor' ...[text shortened]... s tha G that keeps tha Debates tha bouncin' party place?

Dr. S
Yo yo yo! Who you think you be?
Tryin' to step to the mic and crap on RB?
You always be frontin', you' think you so bad?
Yo' skillz are pathetic, yo' rhymes are so sad.

Yo' words, scarecely better than SVW's ramblin'
Using rationale like a pcaspian rant about gamblin',
If a party meant 'one,' then that would be you,
but I doubt even you'll be there, Mr '1+1+2.'

You think you' special because you were 'One man banned?'
You' lucky I don't give you the back of my hand.
The fact is, between yo' mathematics and yellin',
the best you can do is poke fun at RBs spellin'.

Even Ivanhoe thinks that yo' target is low,
Yo' aims are corrupt, and yo' object: just show.
Tryin to get yo' friends behind you, leader of a pack:
You' a sheep in wolf's clothing, and yo' ethics are wack!

You've been a liar, a cheat, a brown-trash hack,
And -- shock of all shocks -- you ain't even black!
You' a hairy chump, or chimp, like the ape in yo' pic,
Now shut up, before I smack you with my golden pimpstick.

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Originally posted by Nemesio
Yo yo yo! Who you think you be?
Tryin' to step to the mic and crap on RB?
You always frontin', you think you so bad?
Yo' skillz are pathetic, yo' rhymes are so sad.

Yo' words, scarecely better than SVW's ramblin'
Using ration ...[text shortened]... ' pic,
Now shut up, before I smack you with my golden pimpstick.
Oh, snap, look who stepped in tha ring!
Tha round's just gettin' started. Ding Ding Ding!
I know you play tha organ and get people to sing
But I'm a warn you that rappin' be a whole different thing.

You tha man of many words, but you just can't rap
My grandma listens to yo' jams when she goes to take a nap.
Just by pickin' up tha mic, you fell into my trap.
Where's MC N's crib? It ain't even on tha map.

Now I'm just gettin' started, so where should I start?
Let's see, yo' rhymes be so sad, they be breakin' my heart.
Yo' rhymes be so plain they ain't even art.
Yo' rhymes be straight up stinkin' like a silent fart.

Quit wavin' yo' arms, tryin' to distract my attention.
The things I did to yo' mama I won't even mention.
Yo' rhymes be so old they be collectin' a pension.
Yo' rhymes be boring like after-school detention.

Tha bell's 'bout to ring, that's tha end of Round One
You gonna throw in tha towel? Have you had yo' fun?
Cuz I got tons mo' verses to spit if you
Got some crazy plans for fightin' it out in Round Two.

Dr. S, MC extraodinaire.

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What can I say ? I'm terminally caucasian , there's no way I can respond to that .

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Oh, snap, look who stepped in tha ring!
Tha round's just gettin' started. Ding Ding Ding!
I know you play tha organ and get people to sing
But I'm a warn you that rappin' be a whole different thing.

You tha man of many wo ...[text shortened]... ans for fightin' it out in Round Two.

Dr. S, MC extraodinaire.
OK, lil' Cribsy, you wanna come play?
You think you'll be standin' at the end of the day?
Tryin' to set up rhymes, like you was some bard,
This last attempt don't show on the scorecard.

Blam! You been KOd, like Tyson, last year.
The only way you coulda won was to bite off my ear.
I gotta give you this, you ain't yet shown no fear;
Looks like I gots me another sheep to shear.

You call my rhymes old? It shows what you know,
You' worse than that short guy from UTFO,
You make the Fat Boys look like Goethe or Blake,
I could out-rhyme you without even being awake.

Dr Seuss could wipe the floor with yo' face,
To call your last doggrel 'a rap' is disgrace!
Run away, little boy, you' takin' up space.
You better drop it; you can't match my mad pace.

Enough about yo' weak attempts at rap,
Anyone reading can smell out yo' crap.
#1 buried you with his last goad;
and, for you, Bennett won't write the ode that is owed.

You see: you ain't got the respect that you think.
Fo' shizzle, all you can do is stammer and blink.
When you try to speak, we all nod, elbow, and wink;
Soundin' like SVW after he's been hittin' the drink.

Yo' problem is you don't know what's the line;
You causin' problems, but you think you' all fine.
You speak out yo' words, but they sound like pure trash.
That's why you were shut down by TimmyToilet and Flash.

But complain you did, and complain you do,
As if it all happend from out of the blue.
For someone who can't barely tie his own shoe,
Bein' a pimp is an insult when you can't land yo' own screw.

And when Mike's dead mom couldn't be had,
you wouldn't stop; you went for his dad.
This time you ain't got what it takes,
But, as usual, you can't find the brakes.

You'll make claim that A leads to B,
but what you really been sayin' is one big tautology.
And after Russ has spanked you over his knee,
You keep on askin', 'why ain't my speech free?'

Now I gots you turned 'round, don't know which way's which,
I bet you 5 dollar I make you my bitch;
You think you got some ace in the hole?
Trying to reach sky high, eyes set on some goal?

Let me spare you energy, time, and the shame,
You ain't got what it takes to play in this game.
PolitePete and Kribz, that's your legacy of fame.
You've got nothin' but exile written all over yo' name.


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Jesus Christ.

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Ahhh, a blast from the past. It's good to see this again, hope it lasts for awhile and you guys aren't silenced straight away.


Oh, and welcome back Dr.

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Originally posted by ncrosby
Ahhh, a blast from the past. It's good to see this again, hope it lasts for awhile and you guys aren't silenced straight away.


Oh, and welcome back Dr.
We'll keep it clean
If you know what I mean
something something something glean

Yeah I got nothing.

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WTF! Nemesio, I'm seriously disturbed.
I never even thought you'd be a brother to da word.
Da image of church organist, turned rapper overnight
has caused ma head to spin and ma senses to take flight.

You've always been an e-z kinda guy when in d-bate
setting out your principles and steering clear of hate
but if I'd known dat you could rap
and pick up da lyrical slack
what else is there we do. not. know.
how much further does your. flow. go?
you've two personalities, like the caped crusader
man, perhaps you got da force, but is you dark like vader?

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Originally posted by hopscotch
Jesus Christ.
My thoughts exactly...

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Dude Dr. S what are you doing, your not suppost to gloat about Prayer in Public.

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