Regardless if you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, it is imporntant to stay involved with current events, and to vote. Remember however:
1. There is a massive amount of information that is Classified or Top Secret that most citizens will never see.
2. Most political leaders, regardless of partisian affiliation, are generally power hungry people who are frequently less than honest.
With these 2 things in mind, I think it's best to stay involved...up to a point. Just remember, none of us has ALL the facts when making our choices, and, regardless of our political views, we are normally backing someone with a less than stellar record of honesty.😏
Originally posted by bill718Voting is not enough. Just ask the people of Palastine who voted in Hamas. Think about it, what choices did they have? Were they to put back in power Fatah who had proved themselves corrupt and indifferent to the poeples sorrows? Were they to reach out to the Israeli government who they had been indoctrinated to hate? Were they to reach out to the Israeli government for help when they showed no interest in their plight? Or were they going to reach out to their only other viable choice? What the hey, they did not have much to lose. And so it goes in every country. The people are indoctrinated to think a certain way in various ways such as the media, your educations etc. and then people, who are already powerful, are put in place to grab even more power.
Regardless if you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, it is imporntant to stay involved with current events, and to vote. Remember however:
1. There is a massive amount of information that is Classified or Top Secret that most citizens will never see.
2. Most political leaders, regardless of partisian affiliation, are generally power hungry pe ...[text shortened]... political views, we are normally backing someone with a less than stellar record of honesty.😏
In short, people are sheep. I include myself in this. After all, at one time I voted for Bush. Although I kick myself almost every day for doing it, I look around and realize that I am not alone. In fact, it only goes to show I am a member of the human race. For those liberals who think my words a bit harsh, ask yourself this, why was Bush elected for two terms? And for those conservatives that think my words to harsh, who elected Obama and the entire democrat Congress? Like others, I was indoctrinated in a particular political philosophy and sold a bill of goods. And like others, I was only provided the choices of A or B when A=B. So I ask you, is voting enough? No, we must get involved if we want true change.