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Strawman Of The Week

Strawman Of The Week



Don't know if anyone will go for this, but how about this thread where people can lodge what they think of as the more exquisite strawman arguments that get bandied about here from time to time. For reference and research purposes only. Ongoing bickering and manoeuvering surrounding the deployment of the said strawmen should remain on the threads in question.

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I'll be the Tin Man. Let's find Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion. 😕

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Originally posted by FMF
Don't know if anyone will go for this, but how about this thread where people can lodge what they think of as the more exquisite strawman arguments that get bandied about here from time to time. For reference and research purposes only. Ongoing bickering and manoeuvering surrounding the deployment of the said strawmen should remain on the threads in question.
It will be good--perhaps even vital--practice.

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Oh dear.

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FMF is building another wicker man.

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