....what is even more frightening is that the world took about 2 weeks to replace the 250,000 killed in the disaster.
When is humanity going to come to terms with this plague of humans and take steps to stem its increase?
Such growth is unsustainable and will lead to problems such as lack of resources, pollution, diseases, etc.
One could argue that such widescale deaths caused by the Tsunami is a good thing as it reduces the hoards of destructive people from draining the planet.
Originally posted by howardgeeYes, no doubt, but where would you stop? Would you say that HIV/AIDS is a good thing? Would you say that cancer is a good thing? How about car accidents? Plane accidents? Wars?! Those are great!
....what is even more frightening is that the world took about 2 weeks to replace the 250,000 killed in the disaster.
When is humanity going to come to terms with this plague of humans and take steps to stem its increase?
Such growth i ...[text shortened]... reduces the hoards of destructive people from draining the planet.
No... at present I am personally enclined to value human life above all other life on the earth, though I definitely would prefer us to look after this planet, I'm almost certain that by the time it is on the brink of destruction we will be on the verge of space exploration (though only if we don't destroy our own species with global war by that time) then the earth will continue to exist until it is consumed by the heat of the red giant that was our sun... which will happen in around 7.5 billion years.
It is not the earth that is in danger from us, we only endanger the life that exists on its surface, most importantly, our own species. Call me a glass half full kind of guy.
Originally posted by howardgeeActually, all the predictions for the Earth's population have been revised downwards in recent years. We've stumbled on a very easy way of controlling population - get rich, get fat, get comfortable, get more interested in career ladders and designer kitchens. The replacement rates in nearly all the major European countries are well under two - and lower still in Japan. So all the west has to do to control world population growth is to share a little of its wealth. Seems a better plan to me than stroking chins intellectually and welcoming huge waves which crush and drown 250,000 people.
....what is even more frightening is that the world took about 2 weeks to replace the 250,000 killed in the disaster.
When is humanity going to come to terms with this plague of humans and take steps to stem its increase?
Such growth is unsustainable and will lead to problems such as lack of resources, pollution, diseases, etc.
One could argue t ...[text shortened]... Tsunami is a good thing as it reduces the hoards of destructive people from draining the planet.
Originally posted by richhoeyWhich sounds good, that is get rich and fat and you don't need to reproduce as much, but the earth's resources couldn't even bring the current world population up to the first world living standards. Don't forget 80% of the worlds population is in China and India, and they, unlike Europe and Japan, still have very high (4+) birth rates. I agree with the creator of this thread that the population growth rate is the number one most dangerous thing on the planet. He's not saying that wars and car accidents are great...only that since we are shifting away from wars, we need some sort of compensation.
Actually, all the predictions for the Earth's population have been revised downwards in recent years. We've stumbled on a very easy way of controlling population - get rich, get fat, get comfortable, get more interested in career ladders and designer kitchens. The replacement rates in nearly all the major European countries are well under two - and lower ...[text shortened]... g chins intellectually and welcoming huge waves which crush and drown 250,000 people.
Originally posted by HawaiianhomegrownThese numbers are wildly inaccurate. According to the UN popilation division - http://esa.un.org/unpp/index.asp?panel=1 - the world population is about 6.5 billion; China's is 1.3 billion and India's 1.1 billion - add them together and you have 2.4 billion or 37% of the world's population. And China's population growth per year is estimated to be .63% yearly or less than the .97% of the US (though somewhat higher than most other industrialized countries and Japan which has a flat population "growth"😉. Mass death is not a necessary "compensation" for the levels of population growth in the world and Rich is correct that a more equitable division of the world's resources would likely slow overall population growth, probably dramatically.
Which sounds good, that is get rich and fat and you don't need to reproduce as much, but the earth's resources couldn't even bring the current world population up to the first world living standards. Don't forget 80% of the worlds population is in China and India, and they, unlike Europe and Japan, still have very high (4+) birth rates. I agr ...[text shortened]... s are great...only that since we are shifting away from wars, we need some sort of compensation.
Originally posted by no1marauderThis phenomena is explained by labor economists as an example of the 'wealth effect.' When you get better careers (or both parents work), the opportunity cost of having an additional child increases. Basically, all that time you spend chasing around five dirty brats could be bringing in good money to give you and your two cleanly snobs a more comfortable lifestyle.
These numbers are wildly inaccurate. According to the UN popilation division - http://esa.un.org/unpp/index.asp?panel=1 - the world population is about 6.5 billion; China's is 1.3 billion and India's 1.1 billion - add them tog ...[text shortened]... ould likely slow overall population growth, probably dramatically.
Originally posted by telerion...plus the fact that a wealthy country is more likely to have better educated citizens who realise that the preachings of the church -banning contraception, forcing 18 year old girls to marry dirty old 32 year old men and drop a sprog in the first year (and every year after for the first years of marriage), etc - is a load of stuff and nonsense, and chose instead a responsible, happier life.
This phenomena is explained by labor economists as an example of the 'wealth effect.' When you get better careers (or both parents work), the opportunity cost of having an additional child increases. Basically, all that time you spend ...[text shortened]... ve you and your two cleanly snobs a more comfortable lifestyle.
Originally posted by yevgenipName one planet thats suitable?
There is a possibility of moving to other planets.
Sure, in the rich countries the birth rate has dropped dramatically because we all want a nice car, the latest gadgets etc etc and can't afford that with 5 kids.. however in the poorer countries those 5 kids are their parents lpension..
Looking at the world as a whole we are still seeing a dramatic increase year on year..
You offer the easy solution of bringing all the poorer countries up to our living standard, which could possibly work but not with the current system thats in place where the gap is widening every year..
Can you see corporations giving away their money to the poor countries? The shareholders would love that. Thats not the way the system works.
Originally posted by XanthosNZSort of true, but only from the standpoint of the religious/conservative politicians within the US government. There are many US politicians who have fought bravely for more contraception and sex education for teenagers. Unfortunately they are usually shouted down by the bible thumpers. But they win a battle every now and then too. 🙂
Strange then that the US government seems hellbent on reducing conreception awareness.
Originally posted by howardgeeo so...tsunami's are good? huh? is that ur point?
....what is even more frightening is that the world took about 2 weeks to replace the 250,000 killed in the disaster.
When is humanity going to come to terms with this plague of humans and take steps to stem its increase?
Such growth is unsustainable and will lead to problems such as lack of resources, pollution, diseases, etc.
One could argue t ...[text shortened]... Tsunami is a good thing as it reduces the hoards of destructive people from draining the planet.
it doesnt matter over 5000 kids are orphans today cause they're family had died.... haven't u watched it on TV? i saw this one guy dead body lying on the water...and here u are saying..."o its a good thing" Whatever!...